RpcClient class abstract

Available Extensions
  • @SolanaRpcClient()


RpcClient(String url, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), Map<String, String> customHeaders = const {}})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getAccountInfo(String pubKey, {Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized, Encoding? encoding, DataSlice? dataSlice, num? minContextSlot}) Future<AccountResult>
Returns all information associated with the account of provided Pubkey
getBalance(String pubKey, {Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<BalanceResult>
Returns the balance of the account of provided Pubkey
getBlock(int slot, {Encoding? encoding, TransactionDetailLevel? transactionDetails, bool? rewards = false, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, num? maxSupportedTransactionVersion = 0}) Future<Block?>
Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger
getBlockCommitment(int block) Future<BlockCommitment?>
Returns commitment for particular block
getBlockHeight({Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<int>
Returns the current block height of the node
getBlockProduction({Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, Range? range, String? identity}) Future<BlockProductionResult>
Returns recent block production information from the current or previous epoch.
getBlocks(int startSlot, int? endSlot, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<List<int>>
Returns a list of confirmed blocks between two slots
getBlocksWithLimit(int startSlot, int limit, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<List<int>>
Returns a list of confirmed blocks starting at the given slot
getBlockTime(int block) Future<int?>
Returns the estimated production time of a block.
getClusterNodes() Future<List<ClusterNode>>
Returns information about all the nodes participating in the cluster
getConfirmedBlock(int slot, {Encoding? encoding, TransactionDetailLevel? transactionDetails, bool? rewards = false, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized}) Future<Block>
Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger
getConfirmedBlocks(int startSlot, int? endSlot, Commitment? commitment) Future<List<int>>
Returns a list of confirmed blocks between two slots
getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit(int startSlot, int limit, Commitment? commitment) Future<List<int>>
Returns a list of confirmed blocks starting at the given slot
getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(String pubKey, {int? limit, String? before, String? until, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized}) Future<List<TransactionSignatureInformation>>
Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block
getConfirmedTransaction(String signature, {Encoding? encoding = Encoding.base64, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized}) Future<TransactionDetails?>
Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction
getEpochInfo({Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<EpochInfo>
Returns information about the current epoch
getEpochSchedule() Future<EpochSchedule>
Returns epoch schedule information from this cluster's genesis config
getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash(String blockhash, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<FeeCalculatorForBlockhashResult>
Returns the fee calculator associated with the query blockhash, or null if the blockhash has expired
getFeeForMessage(String message, {Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<int?>
Get the fee the network will charge for a particular Message
getFeeRateGovernor() Future<FeeRateGovernor>
Returns the fee rate governor information from the root bank
getFees({Commitment? commitment}) Future<FeesResult>
Returns a recent block hash from the ledger, a fee schedule that can be used to compute the cost of submitting a transaction using it, and the last slot in which the blockhash will be valid.
getFirstAvailableBlock() Future<int>
Returns the slot of the lowest confirmed block that has not been purged from the ledger
getGenesisHash() Future<String>
Returns the genesis hash
getHealth() Future<String>
Returns the current health of the node.
getHighestSnapshotSlot() Future<HighestSnapshotSlot>
Returns the highest slot information that the node has snapshots for.
getIdentity() Future<Identity>
Returns the identity pubkey for the current node
getInflationGovernor({Commitment? commitment}) Future<InflationGovernor>
Returns the current inflation governor
getInflationRate() Future<InflationRate>
Returns the specific inflation values for the current epoch
getInflationReward(List<String> addresses, {Commitment? commitment, int? epoch, num? minContextSlot}) Future<List<InflationReward>>
Returns the inflation / staking reward for a list of addresses for an epoch
getLargestAccounts({Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, CirculationStatus? filter}) Future<LargeAccountsResult>
Returns the 20 largest accounts, by lamport balance (results may be cached up to two hours)
getLatestBlockhash({Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<LatestBlockhashResult>
Returns the latest blockhash
getLeaderSchedule(int? slot, {Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, String? identity}) Future<Map<String, List<int>>?>
Returns the leader schedule for an epoch
getMaxRetransmitSlot() Future<int>
Get the max slot seen from retransmit stage.
getMaxShredInsertSlot() Future<int>
Get the max slot seen from after shred insert.
getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(int accountDataLength, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<int>
Returns minimum balance required to make account rent exempt.
getMultipleAccounts(List<String> pubKeys, {Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized, Encoding? encoding, DataSlice? dataSlice, num? minContextSlot}) Future<MultipleAccountsResult>
Returns the account information for a list of Public keys
getProgramAccounts(String pubKey, {Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, required Encoding encoding, DataSlice? dataSlice, List<ProgramDataFilter>? filters, bool? withContext, num? minContextSlot}) Future<List<ProgramAccount>>
Returns all accounts owned by the provided program pubKey.
getRecentBlockhash({Commitment? commitment}) Future<RecentBlockhashResult>
Returns a recent block hash from the ledger, and a fee schedule that can be used to compute the cost of submitting a transaction using it.
getRecentPerformanceSamples(int? limit) Future<List<PerfSample>>
Returns a list of recent performance samples, in reverse slot order. Performance samples are taken every 60 seconds and include the number of transactions and slots that occur in a given time window.
getSignaturesForAddress(String pubKey, {int? limit, String? before, String? until, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, num? minContextSlot}) Future<List<TransactionSignatureInformation>>
Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block
getSignatureStatuses(List<String> signatures, {bool? searchTransactionHistory}) Future<SignatureStatusesResult>
Returns the statuses of a list of signatures. Unless the searchTransactionHistory configuration parameter is included, this method only searches the recent status cache of signatures, which retains statuses for all active slots plus MAX_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES rooted slots.
getSlot({Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<int>
Returns the slot that has reached the given or default commitment level
getSlotLeader({Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<String>
Returns the current slot leader
getSlotLeaders(int startSlot, int limit) Future<List<String>>
Returns the slot leaders for a given slot range
getSnapshotSlot() Future<int>
Returns the highest slot that the node has a snapshot for
getStakeActivation(String pubKey, {Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, int? epoch, num? minContextSlot}) Future<StakeActivation>
Returns epoch activation information for a stake account
getStakeMinimumDelegation({Commitment? commitment}) Future<StakeMinimumDelegationResult>
Returns the stake minimum delegation, in lamports.
getSupply({Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized, bool? excludeNonCirculatingAccountsList}) Future<SupplyResult>
Returns information about the current supply.
getTokenAccountBalance(String pubKey, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<TokenAmountResult>
Returns the token balance of an SPL Token account.
getTokenAccountsByDelegate(String pubKey, TokenAccountsFilter filter, {Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized, Encoding? encoding, DataSlice? dataSlice, num? minContextSlot}) Future<ProgramAccountsResult>
Returns all SPL Token accounts by approved Delegate.
getTokenAccountsByOwner(String pubKey, TokenAccountsFilter filter, {Commitment commitment = Commitment.finalized, Encoding? encoding, DataSlice? dataSlice, num? minContextSlot}) Future<ProgramAccountsResult>
Returns all SPL Token accounts by token owner.
getTokenLargestAccounts(String pubKey, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<TokenLargestAccountsResult>
Returns the 20 largest accounts of a particular SPL Token type.
getTokenSupply(String mint, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<TokenAmountResult>
Returns the total supply of an SPL Token type.
getTransaction(String signature, {Encoding? encoding, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, num? maxSupportedTransactionVersion = 0}) Future<TransactionDetails?>
Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction
getTransactionCount({Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<int>
Returns the current Transaction count from the ledger
getVersion() Future<SolanaVersion>
Returns the current solana versions running on the node
getVoteAccounts({Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, String? votePubKey, bool? keepUnstakedDelinquents, int? delinquentSlotDistance}) Future<VoteAccounts>
Returns the account info and associated stake for all the voting accounts in the current bank.
isBlockhashValid(String blockhash, {Commitment? commitment, num? minContextSlot}) Future<BlockhasValidResult>
Returns whether a blockhash is still valid or not
minimumLedgerSlot() Future<int>
Returns the lowest slot that the node has information about in its ledger. This value may increase over time if the node is configured to purge older ledger data
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
requestAirdrop(String pubKey, int lamports, {Commitment? commitment}) Future<TransactionId>
Requests an airdrop of lamports to a Pubkey
sendTransaction(String transaction, {Encoding encoding = Encoding.base64, Commitment? preflightCommitment = Commitment.finalized, bool? skipPreflight = false, int? maxRetries, num? minContextSlot}) Future<TransactionId>
Submits a signed transaction to the cluster for processing.
simulateTransaction(String transaction, {bool? sigVerify, Encoding encoding = Encoding.base64, Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized, bool? replaceRecentBlockhash = false, SimulateTransactionAccounts? accounts, num? minContextSlot}) Future<TransactionStatusResult>
Simulate sending a transaction
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.