dto library
- Account
- An account
- AccountData
- AccountKey
- A commonly used object that stores a single pubkey
- AccountResult
- Authorized
- BalanceResult
- BinaryAccountData
- Block
- A block
- BlockCommitment
- The commitment of a bloc
- Blockhash
Response of the
rpc method. - BlockhasValidResult
- BlockProduction
- A block production
- BlockProductionResult
- ByIdentityValue
- ClusterNode
- A node of a cluster
- Context
T> - DataSlice
- Data slice to limit the account data in a response
- Delegation
- EmptyAccountData
- EpochCredits
- EpochInfo
- Information about an epoch
- EpochSchedule
- An epoch schedule
- FeeCalculator
- A fee calculator
- FeeCalculatorForBlockhash
- The fee calculator for a blockhash
- FeeCalculatorForBlockhashResult
- FeeRateGovernor
- A fee rate governor
- FeeRateGovernorValue
- The value of a fee rate governor
- Fees
- A fee description object
- FeesResult
- Header
- HighestSnapshotSlot
- A Highest Snapshot Slot
- Identity
- An identity (or a public key)
- InflationGovernor
- An inflation governor
- InflationRate
- An inflation rate
- InflationReward
- An inflation reward
- InnerInstruction
- List of inner instructions or omitted if inner instruction recording was not yet enabled during this transaction
- Instruction
- An instruction in a transaction
- LargeAccount
- A large account
- LargeAccountsResult
- LatestBlockhash
- A Latest Blockhash
- LatestBlockhashResult
- Lockup
- Logs
- Logs entry
- Meta
- Transaction state metadata
- MintAccountData
- MintAccountDataInfo
- MultipleAccountsResult
- ParsedAccountData
- ParsedInstruction
An instruction which is part of a
. - ParsedInstructionMemo
- ParsedInstructionSplToken
- ParsedInstructionSystem
- ParsedInstructionUnsupported
- ParsedMessage
- A parsed message that is part of a Transaction object.
- ParsedSplTokenGenericInstruction
- ParsedSplTokenInstruction
- An instruction of a spl token program
- ParsedSplTokenProgramAccountData
- ParsedSplTokenTransferCheckedInstruction
- ParsedSplTokenTransferInstruction
- ParsedStakeProgramAccountData
- ParsedSystemInstruction
An instruction that is part if a
- ParsedSystemTransferCheckedInstruction
- ParsedSystemTransferInformation
Information about a transfer of
- ParsedSystemTransferInstruction
- ParsedSystemUnsupportedInstruction
- ParsedTransaction
- A transaction
- PerfSample
- A performance sample
- ProgramAccount
- A program account
- ProgramAccountsResult
- ProgramDataFilter
- ProgramFilter
- Range
- A range of bytes
- RawTransaction
- RecentBlockhash
- A recent blockhash
- RecentBlockhashResult
- Reward
- A reward
- SignatureStatus
- The status of a signature
- SignatureStatusesResult
- SimulateTransactionAccounts
- Accounts for a transaction simulation
- Slot
- SolanaVersion
- The solana version
- SplTokenAccountDataInfo
- SplTokenProgramAccountData
- SplTokenTransferCheckedInfo
- Information about a spl token transfer
- SplTokenTransferInfo
- Information about a spl token transfer
- Stake
- StakeActivation
- A stake activation description
- StakeDelegatedAccountInfo
- StakeMeta
- StakeMinimumDelegationResult
- StakeProgramAccountData
- StakeProgramDelegatedAccountData
- StakeProgramInitializedAccountData
- StakeProgramUnknownAccountData
- Supply
- The total supply of tokens
- SupplyResult
- TokenAccountData
- TokenAccountsFilter
- Either a mint or a program id
- TokenAccountsFilterByMint
- TokenAccountsFilterByProgramId
- TokenAmount
- The amount of a SPL token
- TokenAmountResult
- TokenBalance
- The balance of a SPL token account
- TokenLargestAccount
- TokenLargestAccountsResult
- Transaction
- TransactionDetails
- Details of a transaction
- TransactionMessage
- A transaction message
- TransactionMessageHeader
- The header of a transaction message
- TransactionSignatureInformation
- The information of a transaction signature
- TransactionStatus
- The status of a transaction
- TransactionStatusResult
- UnknownAccountData
- UnsupportedProgramAccountData
- VoteAccount
- A list of vote accounts
- VoteAccounts
Result of calling
- ConfirmationStatus = Commitment
- A convenient alias for the confirmation status. Values are the same as Commitment but semantically it's a different type.