SocketAuthVerifier typedef
Authenticate a socket with user-defined authentication mechanism.
- Future must complete once authentication is complete
- If authentication succeeded, a stream is returned which must yield everything received on the socket after authentication completed
- If authentication failed, a stream should not be returned (and will be ignored if it is)
- Upon socket listen onDone, the stream must be closed
- Upon socket listen onError, the error must be written to the stream
Example: (see example/socket_connector_with_authenticator.dart)
Future<(bool, Stream<Uint8List>?)> goAuthVerifier(Socket socket) async {
Completer<(bool, Stream<Uint8List>?)> completer = Completer();
bool authenticated = false;
StreamController<Uint8List> sc = StreamController();
socket.listen((Uint8List data) {
if (authenticated) {
} else {
final message = String.fromCharCodes(data);
if (message.startsWith("go")) {
authenticated = true;
if (message.startsWith("dontgo")) {
authenticated = false;
completer.complete((false, null));
}, onError: (error) => sc.addError(error), onDone: () => sc.close());
return completer.future;
typedef SocketAuthVerifier = Future<(bool, Stream<Uint8List>?)> Function(
Socket socket);