snippets library


A class to represent a plain application sample in the dartdoc comments, marked by {@tool sample ...}...{@end-tool}.
A base class to represent a block of any kind of sample code, marked by "{@tool (snippet|sample|dartdoc) ...}...{@end-tool}".
A class to represent a Dartpad application sample in the dartdoc comments, marked by {@tool dartpad ...}...{@end-tool}.
Contains information about the installed Flutter repo.
A class to compute the configuration of the snippets input and output locations based in the current location of the snippets main.dart.
Parses CodeSamples from the source file given to one of the parsing routines.
Generates the snippet HTML, as well as saving the output snippet main to the output directory.
A class to represent a snippet of sample code, marked by "{@tool snippet}...{@end-tool}".
A class that represents a Dart element in a source file.
A class to represent a line of input code, with associated line number, file and element name.
A class containing the name and contents associated with a code block inside of a code sample, for named injection into a template.


The different types of Dart SourceElements that can be found in a source file.


errorExit ↔ void Function(String message)
Exit the app with a message to stderr. Can be overridden by tests to avoid exits.
getter/setter pair


getCommentElements(Iterable<SourceElement> elements) Iterable<SourceElement>
Filters the source elements to only return the comment elements.
getDocumentationComments(Iterable<SourceElement> elements) Iterable<List<SourceLine>>
Gets an iterable over all of the blocks of documentation comments from an iterable over the SourceElements involved.
getElementsFromString(String content, File file) Iterable<SourceElement>
Reads the file content from a string, to avoid having to read the file more than once if the caller already has the content in memory.
getFileCommentElements(File file) Iterable<SourceElement>
Gets an iterable over the comment SourceElements in a file.
getFileDocumentationComments(File file) Iterable<List<SourceLine>>
Gets an iterable over all of the blocks of documentation comments in a file using the analyzer.
getFileElements(File file, {ResourceProvider? resourceProvider}) Iterable<SourceElement>
Gets an iterable over the SourceElements in the given file.
getIndent(String line) int
Gets the number of whitespace characters at the beginning of a line.
getSamplesInElements(Iterable<SourceElement>? elements) Iterable<CodeSample>
getSampleStats(SourceElement element) SampleStats
interpolateTemplate(List<TemplateInjection> injections, String template, Map<String, Object?> metadata, {bool addSectionMarkers = false, bool addCopyright = false}) String
Injects the injections into the template, while turning the "description" injection into a comment.
sectionArrows(String name, {bool start = true}) String
Returns a marker with section arrows surrounding the given string.
sortImports(String contents) String
Read the given source code, and return the new contents after sorting the imports.
sourceElementTypeAsString(SourceElementType type) String
Converts the enun type SourceElementType to a human readable string.

Exceptions / Errors

An exception class to allow capture of exceptions generated by the Snippets package.