show method

dynamic show({
  1. int max = 100,
  2. String msg = "Default Message",
  3. Completed? completed,
  4. Cancel? cancel,
  5. ProgressType progressType = ProgressType.normal,
  6. ValuePosition valuePosition = ValuePosition.right,
  7. Color backgroundColor = Colors.white,
  8. Color? surfaceTintColor,
  9. Color barrierColor = Colors.transparent,
  10. Color progressValueColor = Colors.blueAccent,
  11. Color progressBgColor = Colors.blueGrey,
  12. Color valueColor = Colors.black87,
  13. Color msgColor = Colors.black87,
  14. TextAlign msgTextAlign =,
  15. FontWeight msgFontWeight = FontWeight.bold,
  16. FontWeight valueFontWeight = FontWeight.normal,
  17. double valueFontSize = 15.0,
  18. double msgFontSize = 17.0,
  19. int msgMaxLines = 1,
  20. double elevation = 5.0,
  21. double borderRadius = 15.0,
  22. bool barrierDismissible = false,
  23. bool hideValue = false,
  24. int closeWithDelay = 100,
  25. ValueChanged<DialogStatus>? onStatusChanged,

max Assign the maximum value of the upload. @required msg Show a message @required valuePosition Location of progress value @not required progressType Assign the progress bar type. barrierDismissible Determines whether the dialog closes when the back button or screen is clicked. msgMaxLines Use when text value doesn't fit completed Widgets that will be displayed when the process is completed are assigned through this class. cancel Use it to have a close button on the dialog. hideValue If you are not using the progress value, you can hide it. closeWithDelay The time the dialog window will wait to close


//  Dialog closes automatically when its progress status equals the max value.

/// [msg] Show a message @required

/// [valuePosition] Location of progress value @not required
// Center or right.  (Default: right)

/// [progressType] Assign the progress bar type.
// Normal or valuable.  (Default: normal)

/// [barrierDismissible] Determines whether the dialog closes when the back button or screen is clicked.
// True or False (Default: false)

/// [msgMaxLines] Use when text value doesn't fit
// Int (Default: 1)

/// [completed] Widgets that will be displayed when the process is completed are assigned through this class.
// If an assignment is not made, the dialog closes without showing anything.

/// [cancel] Use it to have a close button on the dialog.
// Manage other properties related to cancel button via this class.

/// [hideValue] If you are not using the progress value, you can hide it.
// Default (Default: false)

/// [closeWithDelay] The time the dialog window will wait to close
// If the dialog takes the "completion" object, the value here is ignored.
// Default (Default: 100ms)

  int max = 100,
  String msg = "Default Message",
  Completed? completed,
  Cancel? cancel,
  ProgressType progressType = ProgressType.normal,
  ValuePosition valuePosition = ValuePosition.right,
  Color backgroundColor = Colors.white,
  Color? surfaceTintColor,
  Color barrierColor = Colors.transparent,
  Color progressValueColor = Colors.blueAccent,
  Color progressBgColor = Colors.blueGrey,
  Color valueColor = Colors.black87,
  Color msgColor = Colors.black87,
  TextAlign msgTextAlign =,
  FontWeight msgFontWeight = FontWeight.bold,
  FontWeight valueFontWeight = FontWeight.normal,
  double valueFontSize = 15.0,
  double msgFontSize = 17.0,
  int msgMaxLines = 1,
  double elevation = 5.0,
  double borderRadius = 15.0,
  bool barrierDismissible = false,
  bool hideValue = false,
  int closeWithDelay = 100,
  ValueChanged<DialogStatus>? onStatusChanged,
}) {
  _dialogIsOpen = true;
  _msg.value = msg;
  _onStatusChanged = onStatusChanged;
  return showDialog(
    barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
    barrierColor: barrierColor,
    context: _context,
    useRootNavigator: _useRootNavigator,
    builder: (context) => PopScope(
      canPop: barrierDismissible,
      child: AlertDialog(
        surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor,
        backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
        elevation: elevation,
        shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
        content: ValueListenableBuilder(
          valueListenable: _progress,
          builder: (BuildContext context, dynamic value, Widget? child) {
            if (value == max) {
              completed == null
                  ? close(delay: closeWithDelay)
                  : close(delay: completed.completionDelay);
            return Column(
              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
              children: [
                if (cancel != null) ...[
                  cancel.autoHidden && value == max
                      ? SizedBox.shrink()
                      : Align(
                          alignment: Alignment.topRight,
                          child: InkWell(
                            highlightColor: Colors.transparent,
                            splashColor: Colors.transparent,
                            onTap: () {
                              if (cancel.cancelClicked != null) {
                            child: Image(
                              width: cancel.cancelImageSize,
                              height: cancel.cancelImageSize,
                              color: cancel.cancelImageColor,
                              image: cancel.cancelImage ??
                                    package: "sn_progress_dialog",
                  children: [
                    value == max && completed != null
                        ? Image(
                            width: 40,
                            height: 40,
                            image: completed.completedImage ??
                                  package: "sn_progress_dialog",
                        : Container(
                            width: 35.0,
                            height: 35.0,
                            child: progressType == ProgressType.normal
                                ? _normalProgress(
                                    bgColor: progressBgColor,
                                    valueColor: progressValueColor,
                                : value == 0
                                    ? _normalProgress(
                                        bgColor: progressBgColor,
                                        valueColor: progressValueColor,
                                    : _valueProgress(
                                        valueColor: progressValueColor,
                                        bgColor: progressBgColor,
                                        value: (value / max) * 100,
                      child: Padding(
                        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
                          left: 15.0,
                          top: 8.0,
                          bottom: 8.0,
                        child: ValueListenableBuilder(
                          valueListenable: _msg,
                          builder: (BuildContext context, dynamic msgValue,
                              Widget? child) {
                            return Text(
                              value == max && completed != null
                                  ? completed.completedMsg
                                  : msgValue,
                              textAlign: msgTextAlign,
                              maxLines: msgMaxLines,
                              overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                              style: TextStyle(
                                fontSize: msgFontSize,
                                color: msgColor,
                                fontWeight: msgFontWeight,
                hideValue == false
                    ? Align(
                        child: Text(
                          value <= 0 ? '' : '${_progress.value}/$max',
                          style: TextStyle(
                            fontSize: valueFontSize,
                            color: valueColor,
                            fontWeight: valueFontWeight,
                            decoration: value == max
                                ? TextDecoration.lineThrough
                                : TextDecoration.none,
                        alignment: valuePosition == ValuePosition.right
                            ? Alignment.bottomRight
                            : Alignment.bottomCenter,
                    : SizedBox.shrink()
      onPopInvoked: (didPop) {
        if (didPop) {
          _dialogIsOpen = false;