shared/helper/global_utils library


launchInAppWebView(Uri url, {Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{}}) Future<void>
Launch Uri in InAppWebView.
launchInBrowser(Uri url) Future<void>
Launch Uri in Browser.
launchInWebViewWithoutDomStorage(Uri url) Future<void>
Launch Uri in InAppWebView withoud DOM Storage.
launchInWebViewWithoutJavaScript(Uri url) Future<void>
Launch Uri in InAppWebView withoud javascript.
launchUniversalLinkIos(Uri url) Future<void>
Launch universal Uri link in iOS.
nextDecode<T>(dynamic json, String key) → T
Decode to json 2nd time because consuming SOAP api need to convert for second time.
numFromJson(Object? json) num
Convert null value from Object to 0.
responseData<T>(Response response) → T
Convert data of Response to T
stringFromJson(Object? json) String
Convert null value from Object to empty string.