smart_flutter_utils library


A space-efficient list of boolean values.
Additional configuration options for LaunchMode.inAppBrowserView
CanonicalizedMap<C, K, V>
A map whose keys are converted to canonical values of type C.
String equality that's insensitive to differences in ASCII case.
A view of several iterables combined sequentially into a single iterable.
A view of several lists combined into a single list.
CombinedMapView<K, V>
Returns a new map that represents maps flattened into a single map.
Creates a debouncer that will run a callback after duration has passed and will cancel any previous pending calls.
Deep equality on collections.
Equality of objects that compares only the natural equality of the objects.
An Iterable that delegates all operations to a base iterable.
A List that delegates all operations to a base list.
DelegatingMap<K, V>
A Map that delegates all operations to a base map.
A Queue that delegates all operations to a base queue.
A Set that delegates all operations to a base set.
A generic equality relation on objects.
EqualityBy<E, F>
Equality of objects based on derived values.
EqualityMap<K, V>
A Map whose key equality is determined by an Equality object.
A Set whose key equality is determined by an Equality object.
Heap based priority queue.
Equality of objects that compares only the identity of the objects.
Equality on iterables.
Iterable that iterates over lists of values from other iterables.
Equality on lists.
A list view of a range of another list.
MapEquality<K, V>
Equality on maps.
An unmodifiable Set view of the keys of a Map.
MapValueSet<K, V>
Creates a modifiable Set view of the values of a Map.
Combines several equalities into a single equality.
Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all list operations that change the List's length.
A fixed-length list.
A priority queue is a priority based work-list of elements.
A class that efficiently implements both Queue and List.
Equality of sets.
A single set that provides a view of the union over a set of sets.
A controller that exposes a view of the union of a collection of sets.
An unmodifiable List view of another List.
UnmodifiableMapMixin<K, V>
Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all map operations that change the Map.
UnmodifiableMapView<K, V>
View of a Map that disallow modifying the map.
Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all set operations that change the Set.
An unmodifiable set.
Equality of the elements of two iterables without considering order.
Additional configuration options for LaunchMode.inAppWebView.


The desired mode to launch a URL.




AddInDateFormat on DateFormat
AppBarThemeContext on BuildContext
BorderSideColor on Color
BottomBarThemeContext on BuildContext
BrightnessContext on BuildContext
ButtonThemeContext on BuildContext
ColorBrightness on Color
ColorOpacity on Color
ComparatorExtension on Comparator<T>
Extensions on comparator functions.
DateTimeAgo on DateTime
DateTimeFormat on DateTime
DateTimeLeft on DateTime
DateTimeUtils on DateTime
DirectionalityContext on BuildContext
DurationNumber on num
Easy way to make Durations from numbers.
EnumByNameFromIterable on Iterable<E>
GlobalObject on Object
IterableComparableExtension on Iterable<T>
Extensions that apply to iterables of Comparable elements.
IterableDoubleExtension on Iterable<double>
Extension on iterables of double.
IterableExtension on Iterable<T>
Extensions that apply to all iterables.
IterableIntegerExtension on Iterable<int>
Extension on iterables of integers.
IterableIterableExtension on Iterable<Iterable<T>>
Extensions on iterables whose elements are also iterables.
IterableNotEmpty on Iterable<E>
IterableNullableExtension on Iterable<T?>
Extensions that apply to iterables with a nullable element type.
IterableNumberExtension on Iterable<num>
Extensions that apply to iterables of numbers.
IterableOperations on Iterable<E>
IterableSortElement on Iterable<E>
IterableSortNum on Iterable<E>
ListComparableExtensions on List<E>
Various extensions on lists of comparable elements.
ListExtensions on List<E>
Various extensions on lists of arbitrary elements.
ListOperations on List<E>
ListTileThemeContext on BuildContext
ListToJsonString on List<E>
MapDynamicNullsafe on Map<K, dynamic>
MapEntryIterableToMap on Iterable<MapEntry<K, V>>
MapToJsonString on Map<K, V>
MaterialColors on Color
MaterialLocalizationsContext on BuildContext
MaterialStates on MaterialStateProperty<T>
MaterialStateSet on Set<MaterialState>
MediaQueryContext on BuildContext
PlatformContext on BuildContext
PrimaryTextThemeContext on BuildContext
RangeNumber on num
RepeatTaskNumber on num
SizeNumber on num
SmartBrightness on Brightness
SmartLoggerX on T
SortEnumIterable on Iterable<T>
SortEnumList on List<T>
StringBase64 on String
StringCharacters on String
StringConcatenation on String
StringConditionals on String
StringConversions on String
StringFromBytes on Uint8List
StringIntials on String
StringToBytes on String
StringToColor on String
StringToImageProvider on String
TargetPlatformX on TargetPlatform
TextDirectionX on TextDirection
TextThemeContext on BuildContext
ThemeContext on BuildContext
TimeOfDayToDateTime on TimeOfDay


$cast<T>(dynamic value) → T?
Returns T if instance of T, otherwise null
$logDebug([dynamic info, dynamic tag, Object? name = ""]) → void
$logPrint([dynamic info, dynamic tag, Object? name]) → void
$mapIt<R>(Object? object, R? apply(dynamic it)) → R?
apply mapping with dynamic parameter and R as return value
$mapList<T>(dynamic list, T apply(dynamic e)) List<T>?
$mapTo<T, R>(T? object, R? apply(T it)) → R?
apply mapping with T as parameter and R as return value
$mapToList<T, R>(List<T>? list, R apply(T it)) List<R>?
binarySearch<E>(List<E> sortedList, E value, {int compare(E, E)?}) int
Returns a position of the value in sortedList, if it is there.
canLaunch(String urlString) Future<bool>
Checks whether the specified URL can be handled by some app installed on the device.
canLaunchUrl(Uri url) Future<bool>
Checks whether the specified URL can be handled by some app installed on the device.
closeInAppWebView() Future<void>
Closes the current in-app web view, if one was previously opened by launchUrl.
closeWebView() Future<void>
Closes the current WebView, if one was previously opened via a call to launch.
compareAsciiLowerCase(String a, String b) int
Compares a and b lexically, converting ASCII letters to lower case.
compareAsciiLowerCaseNatural(String a, String b) int
Compares strings a and b according to lower-case natural sort ordering.
compareAsciiUpperCase(String a, String b) int
Compares a and b lexically, converting ASCII letters to upper case.
compareAsciiUpperCaseNatural(String a, String b) int
Compares strings a and b according to upper-case natural sort ordering.
compareNatural(String a, String b) int
Compares strings a and b according to natural sort ordering.
equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(String a, String b) bool
Checks if strings a and b differ only on the case of ASCII letters.
groupBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T key(S)) Map<T, List<S>>
Groups the elements in values by the value returned by key.
hashIgnoreAsciiCase(String string) int
Hash code for a string which is compatible with equalsIgnoreAsciiCase.
insertionSort<E>(List<E> elements, {int compare(E, E)?, int start = 0, int? end}) → void
Sort a list between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) using insertion sort.
lastBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T key(S)) Map<T, S>
Associates the elements in values by the value returned by key.
launch(String urlString, {bool? forceSafariVC, bool forceWebView = false, bool enableJavaScript = false, bool enableDomStorage = false, bool universalLinksOnly = false, Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{}, Brightness? statusBarBrightness, String? webOnlyWindowName}) Future<bool>
Parses the specified URL string and delegates handling of it to the underlying platform.
launchUrl(Uri url, {LaunchMode mode = LaunchMode.platformDefault, WebViewConfiguration webViewConfiguration = const WebViewConfiguration(), BrowserConfiguration browserConfiguration = const BrowserConfiguration(), String? webOnlyWindowName}) Future<bool>
Passes url to the underlying platform for handling.
lowerBound<E>(List<E> sortedList, E value, {int compare(E, E)?}) int
Returns the first position in sortedList that does not compare less than value.
mapMap<K1, V1, K2, V2>(Map<K1, V1> map, {K2 key(K1, V1)?, V2 value(K1, V1)?}) Map<K2, V2>
Creates a new map from map with new keys and values.
maxBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T orderBy(S), {int compare(T, T)?}) → S?
Returns the element of values for which orderBy returns the maximum value.
mergeMaps<K, V>(Map<K, V> map1, Map<K, V> map2, {V value(V, V)?}) Map<K, V>
Returns a new map with all key/value pairs in both map1 and map2.
mergeSort<E>(List<E> elements, {int start = 0, int? end, int compare(E, E)?}) → void
Sorts a list between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) using the merge sort algorithm.
minBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T orderBy(S), {int compare(T, T)?}) → S?
Returns the element of values for which orderBy returns the minimum value.
reverse<E>(List<E> elements, [int start = 0, int? end]) → void
Reverses a list, or a part of a list, in-place.
shuffle(List elements, [int start = 0, int? end, Random? random]) → void
Shuffles a list randomly.
stronglyConnectedComponents<T>(Map<T, Iterable<T>> graph) List<Set<T>>
Returns the strongly connected components of graph, in topological order.
supportsCloseForLaunchMode(LaunchMode mode) Future<bool>
Returns true if closeInAppWebView is supported for mode in the current platform implementation.
supportsLaunchMode(LaunchMode mode) Future<bool>
Returns true if mode is supported by the current platform implementation.
transitiveClosure<T>(Map<T, Iterable<T>> graph) Map<T, Set<T>>
Returns the transitive closure of graph.


ArMessages = ArMessages
AzMessages = AzMessages
CaMessages = CaMessages
CsMessages = CsMessages
DaMessages = DaMessages
DeMessages = DeMessages
DvMessages = DvMessages
EnMessages = EnMessages
EsMessages = EsMessages
FaMessages = FaMessages
FrMessages = FrMessages
GrMessages = GrMessages
HeMessages = HeMessages
HiMessages = HiMessages
IdMessages = IdMessages
ItMessages = ItMessages
JaMessages = JaMessages
KmMessages = KmMessages
KoMessages = KoMessages
KuMessages = KuMessages
LookupMessages = LookupMessages
MnMessages = MnMessages
MsMyMessages = MsMyMessages
NbNoMessages = NbNoMessages
NlMessages = NlMessages
NnNoMessages = NnNoMessages
PlMessages = PlMessages
PtBrMessages = PtBrMessages
RoMessages = RoMessages
RuMessages = RuMessages
RwMessages = RwMessages
SvMessages = SvMessages
TaMessages = TaMessages
ThMessages = ThMessages
TrMessages = TrMessages
UkMessages = UkMessages
ViMessages = ViMessages
ZhCnMessages = ZhCnMessages
ZhMessages = ZhMessages