isContinue method

Future isContinue([
  1. int? selected


Future isContinue([int? selected]) async {
  final dirLib = Directory('lib');
  final dirTest = Directory('test');

  if (await dirLib.exists()) {
    selected ??= stateCLIOptions('This command will delete everything inside the \'lib/\' and \'test\/\' folders.', [
  } else {
    selected = 2;
    if (await dirLib.exists()) {
      await dirLib.delete(recursive: true);
    if (await dirTest.exists()) {
      await dirTest.delete(recursive: true);

  if (selected == 1) {
    output.msg('Removing lib and test folders');
    if (await dirLib.exists()) {
      await dirLib.delete(recursive: true);
    if (await dirTest.exists()) {
      await dirTest.delete(recursive: true);
  } else if (selected < 1) {
    output.error('The lib folder must be empty. Or use -f to force start');