of static method

ShimmerThemeData of(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. Brightness? brightness,

The closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.

If there is no enclosing SimpleShimmerTheme widget, then a default ShimmerThemeData based on Brightness is used.

A Brightness for the theme is inherited with Theme.of's ThemeData.brightness. The property brightness can be used to override the default theme returned by of.

Typical usage is as follows:

ShimmerThemeData? theme = SimpleShimmerTheme.of(context);


static ShimmerThemeData of(
  BuildContext context, {
  Brightness? brightness,
}) {
  final widget =
  if (widget != null) {
    return widget.data;

  final effectiveBrightness = brightness ?? Theme.of(context).brightness;

  return effectiveBrightness == Brightness.light
      ? ShimmerThemeData.lightAlternate
      : ShimmerThemeData.dark;