simple_notifier library


A widget that handles different states of data and returns appropriate widgets.
DeepValueNotifier is a custom ValueNotifier class with content-based equality checks.
A widget that combines and listens to a list of ValueNotifier objects and rebuilds when any of them change.


DeepValueListenableBuilder on DeepValueNotifier<T>
Extension for adding convenient methods to DeepValueNotifier instances.
DeepValueNotifierExtension on T
Extension for creating a DeepValueNotifier from a value directly.
MultiListenExtension on List<ValueNotifier<T>>
Extension method that simplifies the use of MultiValueNotifierBuilder on a list of ValueNotifier objects.
ValueNotifierBuilderExtension on ValueNotifier<T>
Extension for adding convenient methods to ValueNotifier instances.
ValueNotifierExtension on T
Extension for creating a ValueNotifier from a value directly.