alphaNumericCharactersWithSpaceValidator static method

String? alphaNumericCharactersWithSpaceValidator(
  1. String? value, [
  2. String? errorMessage

alphaNumericCharactersWithSpaceValidator to validate if a form field contains alpha-numeric values and space

validator: (value) => SimpleValidations.alphaNumericCharactersWithSpaceValidator(value, [errorMessage]),


static String? alphaNumericCharactersWithSpaceValidator(String? value,
    [String? errorMessage]) {
  RegExp regex = CustomRegEx.alphaNumericWithSpaceRegex;

  if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
    return errorMessage ?? 'Required';
  } else if (!regex.hasMatch(value)) {
    return errorMessage ??
        'Only alpha-numeric characters and space is allowed';

  return null;