SCStringExtension extension

Extension Methods & Widgets for the strings



capitalize String
Returns first letter of the string as Caps eg -> Flutter
no setter
eliminateFirst String
Removes first element
no setter
isBlank bool
no setter
isEmptyOrNull bool
Return a bool if the string is null or empty
no setter
isNotBlank bool
Returns true if s is neither null, empty nor is solely made of whitespace characters.
no setter
orEmpty String
Returns the string if it is not null, or the empty string otherwise
no setter


allWordsCapitilize() String
Capitalize all words inside a string
hidePartial({int begin = 0, int? end, String replace = '*'}) String
Replaces chars of the given String s with replace.
insert(String other, int index) String
Returns a copy of this with other inserted starting at index.
isRtlLanguage() bool
Check if String is Right to Left Language
prepend(String other) String
Returns the concatenation of other and this.
removeAllWhiteSpace() String
Returns a String without white space at all "hello world" // helloworld
reverse() String
Returns this with characters in reverse order.
validateEmail() bool
Uses regex to check if the provided string is a valid email address or not