Sp3dObj constructor

  1. List<Sp3dV3D> vertices,
  2. List<Sp3dFragment> fragments,
  3. List<Sp3dMaterial> materials,
  4. List<Uint8List> images, {
  5. String? id,
  6. String? name,
  7. String? author,
  8. Sp3dPhysics? physics,
  9. Map<String, dynamic>? option,
  10. int layerNum = 0,
  11. EnumSp3dDrawMode drawMode = EnumSp3dDrawMode.normal,


  • vertices : vertex list.
  • fragments : This includes information such as the vertex information of the object.
  • materials : This includes information such as colors.
  • images : Image data.
  • id : Object ID.
  • name : Object name.
  • author : Object author name. It is mainly for distribution, and null is better during calculation.
  • physics : Parameters for physics calculations.
  • option : Optional attributes that may be added for each app.
  • layerNum : If the renderer has layerNum enabled, it forces the drawing order to be in ascending order of this value.
  • drawMode : Specifies the drawing mode when rendering. Specify rect when speed is required but 3D structure is not required, such as scatter plots.


Sp3dObj(this.vertices, this.fragments, this.materials, this.images,
    this.layerNum = 0,
    this.drawMode = EnumSp3dDrawMode.normal});