modules/users library


followUser(String userName, String server, String apiToken, String baseUrl, String apiBase, bool withReplies) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Attempts to follow a user. If the operation succeeds, a success map is returned. If this fails, an error map is returned.
getUserFollowers(String userName, String server, String baseUrl, String apiBase) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Attempts to get a map of users following a user. If this fails, an error map is returned.
getUserFollowing(String userName, String server, String baseUrl, String apiBase) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Attempts to get a map of users a user is following. If this fails, an error map is returned.
getUserFromToken(String baseUrl, String apiBase, String apiToken) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Attempts to return information on the user owning the provided API token as a map. If the operation fails, an error map is returned.
getUserInfo(String userName, String server, String baseUrl, String apiBase) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Attempts to return the information about a user profile as a map. If this fails, an error as a map is returned.
unfollowUser(String userName, String server, String apiToken, String baseUrl, String apiBase, bool withReplies) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Attempts to unfollow a user. If the operation succeeds, a success map is returned. If this fails, an error map is returned.