findCommentById method

  1. @override
Future<FindCommentResponse> findCommentById(
  1. String commentId

Returns a FindCommentResponse for a comment with id commentId

Upon success a comment object is provided and error is set to null

In case of error a ResponseError is set and no comment is provided


Future<FindCommentResponse> findCommentById(String commentId) {
  return catchSqlError<FindCommentResponse>(
      store.commentDao.findById(commentId).then((value) => value != null
          ? FindCommentResponse(comment: value)
          : FindCommentResponse(
              error: ResponseError.notFound(
                  message: 'Comment $commentId not found',
                  context: contextComment,
                  target: commentId))),
      (sqle) => FindCommentResponse(
          error: toResponseError(sqle,
              context: contextComment, target: commentId)),