getDeviceType function

DeviceScreensType getDeviceType(
  1. BuildContext context

getDeviceType /// Determines the type of device screen based on its width and orientation.

This function takes a BuildContext as input and determines the type of the device screen based on its width and orientation. It utilizes the MediaQuery to extract information about the device's orientation and screen size. The function calculates the device width and then classifies it as 'Desktop', 'Tablet', or 'Mobile' based on specific width thresholds. The determined DeviceScreensType is returned.

@param context The build context for accessing device-related information. @return The type of device screen based on width and orientation.


DeviceScreensType getDeviceType(BuildContext context) {
  final Orientation deviceOrientation = MediaQuery.orientationOf(context);
  double deviceWidth = 0;
  if (deviceOrientation == Orientation.landscape) {
    deviceWidth = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).height;
  } else {
    deviceWidth = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width;

  if (deviceWidth > 1200) {
    return DeviceScreensType.DESKTOP;
  if (deviceWidth > 600) {
    return DeviceScreensType.TABLET;
  return DeviceScreensType.MOBILE;