SettingsYaml.fromString constructor

  1. required String content,
  2. required String filePath,

Loads settings from a string. The content must be formatted like a standard yaml file would be:

var settings = SettingsYaml(content: '''
password: xxxx
user: xxxx
''', filePath: 'mysettings.yaml');

The filePath is the path/file name that will be used when save is called.


SettingsYaml.fromString({required String content, required this.filePath}) {
  /// don't try to load an empty settings file. It will end in tears.
  if (content.trim().isEmpty) {

  _document = loadYamlDocument(content);

  if (_document!.contents is YamlMap) {
    final topMap = _document!.contents as YamlMap;

    for (final pair in topMap.value.entries) {
      valueMap[pair.key as String] = pair.value;

  /// else the settings file was empty.