service_bloc library


Cursor based pagination class implemented with delegate class style. CursorBasedPagination handles all cursor based page modification.
Number based pagination class implemented with delegate class style. NumberBasedPagination handles all number based page modification.
Pagination<PageType, ResponseData>
Base pagination class implemented with delegate class style. Pagination handles all page modification.
List pagination response data holder and processor. PaginationListResponseData handles storing list response data and process list response data.
Object pagination response data holder and processor. PaginationObjectResponseData handles storing object response data and process object response data.
Base pagination response data holder and processor. PaginationResponseData handles storing data and process data.
PaginationServiceBloc<PaginationServiceRequestedEvent extends PaginationServiceRequested, ResponseData, PageType>
Base class for pagination service implement with bloc architecture.
Base event for PaginationServiceBloc. Every event which is used in PaginationServiceBloc and including extended PaginationServiceBloc class must use this class as base event class.
ServiceBloc<ServiceRequestedEvent extends ServiceRequested, ResponseData>
Base class for service calling implement with bloc architecture.
Base event for ServiceBloc. Every event which is used in ServiceBloc and including extended ServiceBloc class must use this class as base event class.
Initial state when ServiceBloc created by constructor. Default initial state of ServiceBloc should be only appear once.
ServiceLoadFailure<ServiceRequestedEvent extends ServiceRequested>
Failure response state when ServiceBloc processed event with error. This state can be used for displaying error dialog with custom view.
ServiceLoadInProgress<ServiceRequestedEvent extends ServiceRequested>
Processing state when ServiceBloc is handling event. This state can be used for displaying loading on screen.
ServiceLoadSuccess<ServiceRequestedEvent extends ServiceRequested, ResponseData>
Success response state when ServiceBloc processed event without error. This state can be used for displaying data with custom view.
Base request event for ServiceBloc. Every request event which is used in ServiceBloc and including extended ServiceBloc class must use this class as base request event class.
ServiceResponseState<ServiceRequestedEvent extends ServiceRequested>
Base response state for ServiceBloc. Every response state which is used in ServiceBloc and including extended ServiceBloc class must use this class as base response state class.
Base state for ServiceBloc. Every state which is used in ServiceBloc and including extended ServiceBloc class must use this class as base state class.


mixin class for only PaginationServiceRequested which allows PaginationServiceRequested having a reload action before service request.


PageIncrement<PageType, ResponseData> = PageType Function(PageType previousPage, ResponseData responseData)
Type define function for increase page.
PageReset<PageType> = PageType Function()
Type define function for rest page.
PageUpdateHasNextPage<ResponseData> = bool Function(ResponseData responseData)
Type define function for update has next page boolean.
PaginationResponseDataMigration<ResponseData> = FutureOr<ResponseData> Function(ResponseData previousResponseData, ResponseData responseData)
Type define function for migrate pagination response data.
PaginationResponseDataReset<ResponseData> = FutureOr<ResponseData> Function()
Type define function for reset pagination response data.