module library


Authentication info for Sign in with Apple.
Manages keys for authentication with the server.
Provides a response to an authentication attempt.
Keeps track of internet connectivity and notifies its listeners when the internet connection is either lost or regained. For most use cases, use the concrete FlutterConnectivityMonitor class in the serverpod_flutter package.
Database bindings for a sign in with email.
A request for creating an email signin. Created during the sign up process to keep track of the user's details and verification code.
Database table for tracking failed email sign-ins. Saves IP-address, time, and email to be prevent brute force attacks.
Information about an email password reset.
Database bindings for an email reset.
EndpointAdmin Endpoint
Endpoint for handling admin functions.
EndpointApple Endpoint
Endpoint for handling Sign in with Apple.
Super class for all classes that can call a server endpoint.
EndpointEmail Endpoint
Endpoint for handling Sign in with Google.
EndpointFirebase Endpoint
Endpoint for handling Sign in with Firebase.
EndpointGoogle Endpoint
Endpoint for handling Sign in with Google.
This class connects endpoints on the server with the client, it also hooks up streams with the endpoint. Overridden by generated code.
EndpointStatus Endpoint
Endpoint for getting status for a signed in user and module configuration.
EndpointUser Endpoint
Endpoint with methods for managing the currently signed in user.
The file uploader uploads files to Serverpods cloud storage. On the server you can setup a custom storage service, such as S3 or Google Cloud. To directly upload a file, you first need to retrieve an upload description from your server. After the file is uploaded, make sure to notify the server by calling the verifyDirectFileUpload on the current Session object.
Database bindings for a Google refresh token.
This class is used to connect modules with the client. Overridden by generated code.
The SerializableEntity is the base class for all serializable objects in Serverpod, except primitives.
The SerializationManager is responsible for creating objects from a serialization, but also for serializing objects. This class is typically extended by generated code.
Handles communication with the server. Is typically overridden by generated code to provide implementations of methods for calling the server. This is the concrete implementation using the io library (for Flutter native apps).
Superclass with shared methods for handling communication with the server. It's overridden i two different versions depending on if the dart:io library is available.
The StreamingConnection handler manages the web socket connection and its state. It will automatically reconnect to the server if the connection is lost. The listener will be notfied whenever the connection state changes and once every second when counting down to reconnect. The time between reconnection attempts is specified with retryEverySeconds, default is 5 seconds.
Represents the state of the connection handler.
Database bindings for a user image.
Information about a user. The UserInfo should only be shared with the user itself as it may contain sensative information, such as the users email. If you need to share a user's info with other users, use the UserInfoPublic instead. You can retrieve a UserInfoPublic through the toPublic() method.
Information about a user that can safely be publically accessible.
User settings.
uuid for Dart Author: Yulian Kuncheff Released under MIT License.


Defines a reason for a failed sign in.
RFC4122 & RFC9562 provided namespaces for v3, v5, and v8 namespace based UUIDs
Status of the streaming connection.
The options for UUID Validation strictness


Base64Dec on String
Extension for decoding ByteData in protocol.
Base64Enc on ByteData
Extension for encoding ByteData in the protocol.
ByteDataToJson on ByteData
Expose toJson on ByteData
CloneByteData on ByteData
Adds clone method that create a deep copy of a ByteData.
CloneList on List
Adds clone method that create a deep copy of a list.
CloneMap on Map
Adds clone method that create a deep copy of a map.
DateTimeToJson on DateTime
Expose toJson on DateTime
DurationToJson on Duration
Expose toJson on Duration
ListToJson on List<T>
Expose toJson on List
MapToJson on Map<K, V>
Expose toJson on Map
UserInfoExtension on UserInfo
Convenience methods for the UserInfo class.
UuidValueToJson on UuidValue
Expose toJson on UuidValue


autoSerializedTypes → const List<String>
All datatypes that are serialized by default. Used internally in Serverpod code generation.
clonableTypeNames → const List<String>
List of types that has a clone method extension and therefore can be copied by calling clone().
extensionSerializedTypes → const List<String>
All datatypes that has extensions to support serialization. Used internally in Serverpod code generation.


noneMutableTypeNames List<String>
List of types that are not mutable and therefore do not need to be copied or handled in a copyWith method.


getType<T>() Type
Get the type provided as an generic. Useful for getting a nullable type.


ConnectivityMonitorListener = void Function(bool connected)
Callback for when internet connectivity changes.
constructor<T> = T Function(dynamic jsonSerialization, SerializationManager serializationManager)
The constructor takes JSON structure and turns it into a decoded SerializableEntity.
VoidCallback = void Function()
A callback with no parameters or return value.

Exceptions / Errors

This is SerializableException that can be used to pass Domain exceptions from the Server to the Client
Exception thrown when errors in communication with the server occurs.