encode static method
Encode the provided object
to a Json-formatted String.
If formatted
is true, the output will be formatted with two spaces
static String encode(Object? object, {bool formatted = false}) {
// This is the only time [jsonEncode] should be used in the project.
return JsonEncoder.withIndent(
formatted ? ' ' : null,
(nonEncodable) {
//TODO: Remove this in 2.0.0 as the extensions should be used instead.
if (nonEncodable is DateTime) {
return nonEncodable.toUtc().toIso8601String();
} else if (nonEncodable is ByteData) {
return nonEncodable.base64encodedString();
} else if (nonEncodable is Duration) {
return nonEncodable.inMilliseconds;
} else if (nonEncodable is UuidValue) {
return nonEncodable.uuid;
} else if (nonEncodable is Map && nonEncodable.keyType != String) {
return nonEncodable.entries
.map((e) => {'k': e.key, 'v': e.value})
} else {
return (nonEncodable as dynamic)?.toJson();