semi_logger library
- SemiErrorCode
- Error code
- SemiLogContent
- SemiLogger
- The logger is static in app. That mean is the logger config will be apply on all logger object on your app. Use instance for custom a special logger.
- SemiLogLevelData
- data for block print
- SemiLogStyle
- The style for each level
- SemiLogStyleData
- Your styles of logger
- ANSIStyles
- Base on ANSI Escape code, this enum define the support print log style and color
- SemiLogLevel
- Log level for styling print
String text, {ANSIStyles? color, ANSIStyles? bg, ANSIStyles? fontStyle}) → String - return text with ANSI format example: print('\u{1B}[31m\u{1B}[103mHello World!\u{1B}[0m');
Exceptions / Errors
- SemiException
- Depend on Exception, SemiException provide a model, which is contains basic data for handling error and exception.