utils/import_export_io library


Base class for a custion implementation, by defining only decodeAsync and encodeAsync
Sort order boundary, lower or upper to use in a Finder
Database client (either Database or Transaction)
The database factory that allow opening database
The modes in which a Database can be opened.
Special field access
Field Key utilities
Update values
Filter for searching into the database
Finder helper for searching a given store
QueryRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
A query on a store.
RecordChange<K, V>
Record change info streamed during StoreRef.onChange.
RecordRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
An immutable record reference
RecordSnapshot<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
A read record
RecordsRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
An immutable reference to multiple records
The sembast codec to use to read/write records.
SortOrder<T extends Object?>
Sort order
StoreFactory<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
Store factory interface
StoreRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
A pointer to a store.
Database transaction.


DatabaseExtension on Database
Database extension methods.
RecordSnapshotIterableExtension on Iterable<RecordSnapshot<K, V>>
Extension on iterable of record snapshot
SembastFilterCombination on Filter
Provides convenience methods for combining multiple Filters.
SembastQueryRefCommonExtension on QueryRef<K, V>
Common extension
SembastQueryRefExtension on QueryRef<K, V>
Query db actions.
SembastQueryRefSyncExtension on QueryRef<K, V>
Query db actions. synchronous access.
SembastRecordChangeExtension on RecordChange<K, V>
Record change helper.
SembastRecordRefExtension on RecordRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastRecordRefSyncExtension on RecordRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastRecordsRefCommonExtension on RecordsRef<K, V>
Record ref common extension.
SembastRecordsRefExtension on RecordsRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastRecordsRefSyncExtension on RecordsRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastStoreRefCommonExtension on StoreRef<K, V>
Store ref common public sembast extension (no db access).
SembastStoreRefExtension on StoreRef<K, V>
Store ref public sembast extension.
SembastStoreRefSyncExtension on StoreRef<K, V>
Store ref public sembast extension.


intMapStoreFactory → StoreFactoryBase<int, Map<String, Object?>>
Store factory with key as int and value as Map
sembastCodecDefault SembastCodec
Json Codec with supports for DateTime and Blobs (UInt8List)
getter/setter pair
sembastDefaultTypeAdapters List<SembastTypeAdapter<Object, String>>
Support Timestamp and Blob
stringMapStoreFactory → StoreFactoryBase<String, Map<String, Object?>>
Store factory with key as String and value as Map


disableSembastCooperator() → void
Disable sembast cooperator.
enableSembastCooperator({int? delayMicroseconds, int? pauseMicroseconds}) → void
Re-enable sembast cooperator or change default pause and delay
exportDatabaseToJsonlFile(Database db, String path, {List<String>? storeNames}) Future<void>
Write the export in a file (currently in .jsonl format)
importDatabaseFromFile(String path, DatabaseFactory dstFactory, String dstPath, {SembastCodec? codec, List<String>? storeNames}) Future<Database>
Import database from a file (currently in .jsonl format)
sembastCodecWithAdapters(Iterable<SembastTypeAdapter> adapters) SembastCodec
Default codec has no toString converted and no signature. as format is expected to be compatible


OnVersionChangedFunction = FutureOr Function(Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)
Callback interface called when the existing version differs from the one expected.
RecordKeyBase = Object
Base key.
RecordValueBase = Object
Base value.
TransactionRecordChangeListener<K, V> = FutureOr<void> Function(Transaction transaction, List<RecordChange<K, V>> changes)
Record change listener

Exceptions / Errors

Database exception.