SelectableExtOnInlineSpan extension



spanWithCharacterAtIndex(int index, {bool includesPlaceholders = true}) InlineSpan?
Searches this span and its contained spans (if any) for the span that contains the character at index, and if found, returns it.
taggedTextForIndex(int index, {bool includesPlaceholders = true, bool end = false}) TaggedText?
Searches this span and its contained spans (if any) for the span that contains the character at index, and if found, returns a TaggedText object with taggedText.tag set to the containing span's tag property (or null if it is not tagged), taggedText.text set to the containing span's text value (or String.fromCharCode(0xFFFC) if the containing span is not a TextSpan and includesPlaceholders is true), and taggedText.index set to the index into taggedText.text of the character.
visitChildrenEx(InlineSpanVisitorWithIndex visitor, {bool includesPlaceholders = true}) bool
Walks this InlineSpan and its descendants in pre-order and calls visitor for each span that has text.