startCalibration method

Future<void> startCalibration(
  1. CalibrationMode calibrationMode, {
  2. CalibrationCriteria calibrationCriteria = CalibrationCriteria.DEFAULT,
  3. Rect? region,

Starts the calibration process in the SeeSo SDK.

Use this function to initiate the calibration process in the SeeSo SDK.


  • calibrationMode: The calibration mode to be used. Choose from modes 1, 5, and 6, which display different numbers of calibration targets.
  • calibrationCriteria: The calibration criteria to be used. If not specified, the default criteria will be used.
  • region: The region of the device screen where calibration targets will be displayed. If not specified, the calibration targets will be shown on the entire screen.

Note: If the camera permission is not granted or if the gaze tracker has not been properly initialized, a PlatformException may be thrown.


Future<void> startCalibration(CalibrationMode calibrationMode,
    {CalibrationCriteria calibrationCriteria = CalibrationCriteria.DEFAULT,
    Rect? region}) async {
      .startCalibration(calibrationMode, calibrationCriteria, region);