SeeSo class

The main class for utilizing eye-tracking functionality within the seeso_flutter package.

The SeeSo class provides methods and properties for initializing and managing eye-tracking capabilities on mobile devices.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addCameraPosition(CameraPosition cameraPosition) Future<void>
Adds the camera position information for the SeeSo SDK.
checkCameraPermission() Future<bool>
Checks whether the camera permission is granted for SeeSo.
deinitGazeTracker() Future<void>
Deinitializes the SeeSo gaze tracker functionality.
getAttentionRegion() Future<Rect?>
Retrieves the currently set region of interest (ROI) for the Attention feature in the SeeSo SDK.
getAttentionScore() Future<double?>
Retrieves the current Attention score from the SeeSo SDK.
getCalibrationEvent() Stream
Retrieves a stream of calibration events for calibration information.
getCameraPosition() Future<CameraPosition?>
Retrieves the current camera position used by the SeeSo SDK.
getCameraPositionList() Future<List<CameraPosition>?>
Retrieves the list of current camera positions used by the SeeSo SDK.
getFaceEvent() Stream
Retrieves a stream of face events for facial information.
getGazeEvent() Stream
Retrieves a stream of gaze events for eye tracking information.
getSeeSoVersion() Future<String?>
Retrieves the version of SeeSo for the current platform.
getStatusEvent() Stream
Retrieves a stream of status events for tracking status information.
getUserStatusEvent() Stream
Retrieves a stream of user status events for attention, blink, and drowsiness information.
initGazeTracker({required String licenseKey, bool useAttention = false, bool useBlink = false, bool useDrowsiness = false}) FutureOr<InitializedResult?>
Initializes the SeeSo gaze tracker functionality.
isCalibrating() Future<bool?>
Checks whether the SeeSo SDK is currently in the process of calibration.
isDeviceFound() Future<bool?>
Checks whether the necessary device information is available for the SeeSo SDK.
isTracking() Future<bool?>
Checks whether gaze tracking is currently in progress.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeAttentionRegion() Future<void>
Removes the currently set region of interest (ROI) for the Attention feature in the SeeSo SDK.
requestCameraPermission() Future<bool>
Requests camera permission and returns whether the permission is granted.
resetForcedOrientation() Future<bool?>
Resets the previously forced orientation for the device in the SeeSo SDK.
selectCameraPosition(int idx) Future<void>
Selects a specific camera position from the list of available camera positions in the SeeSo SDK.
setAttentionInterval(int interval) Future<void>
Sets the interval for receiving Attention-related events in the SeeSo SDK's UserStatusEvent.
setAttentionRegion(Rect region) Future<void>
Sets the region of interest (ROI) for the Attention feature in the SeeSo SDK.
setCalibrationData(List<double> data) Future<bool?>
Sets the calibration data to the SeeSo SDK for calibration refinement.
setForcedOrientation(SeeSoOrientation orientation) Future<bool?>
Forces a manual orientation change for the device in the SeeSo SDK.
setTrackingFPS(int fps) Future<bool?>
Sets the frames per second (FPS) for gaze tracking in the SeeSo SDK.
startCalibration(CalibrationMode calibrationMode, {CalibrationCriteria calibrationCriteria = CalibrationCriteria.DEFAULT, Rect? region}) Future<void>
Starts the calibration process in the SeeSo SDK.
startCollectSamples() Future<void>
Notifies the SeeSo SDK to begin collecting samples for the current calibration target.
startTracking() Future<void>
Starts the gaze tracking process.
stopCalibration() Future<void>
Stops the ongoing calibration process in the SeeSo SDK.
stopTracking() Future<void>
Stops the ongoing gaze tracking process.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.