search_me_up library

Search Me Up helps you create a search function with a tiering system.

The fastest way to see how this works is to get a SearchMeUp with a DefaultSearchMeUpDelegate. By default this will work with Strings, so just pass some test data and then call rankedSearch and see the results.


Default implementation of SearchMeUpDelegate
This handles the search ranking logic, based on whatever delegate is given.
SortedSearchList<T, S>


defaultSMUTextConverter(dynamic val) Iterable<String>
Default text converter, just converts the object to string.
frontTextSearcher(String searchText) SMUTextSearcher
Output will check if any given input starts with the searchText, case insensitive.
generateTextSearcherFromRegExp(RegExp expression) SMUTextSearcher
Creates the corresponding SMUTextSearcher from the given expression.
inlineTextSearcher(String searchText) SMUTextSearcher
Output will check if any given input contains the searchText, case insensitive.
orderTextSearcher(String searchText) SMUTextSearcher
Output will check if any given input contains the searchText, with any amount of letters inserted within searchText, case-insensitive.


SMUTextConverter<T> = Iterable<String> Function(T input)
Converts the input into the value used by SMUTextSearcher
SMUTextSearcher = bool Function(Iterable<String> input)
Will see if the given input matches this function.
SMUTextSearcherProvider = SMUTextSearcher Function(String searchText)
Provides an SMUTextSearcher that will search for the given searchText