buildFutureFilterOrOrderButton property

(Widget Function({required BuildContext context, required bool filter, int? nbFilters, required Function onPressed, bool? orderAsc, String? orderBy})?) buildFutureFilterOrOrderButton

buildFutureFilterOrOrderButton Function to customize the order and filter button in case of future search. Where:

  • filter is true if building filter button and false while building order button.
  • nbFilters is set to the number of filters applied if any.
  • orderAsc true when the applied order is ascending.
  • orderBy is the string by which the search is sorted.


final Widget Function({
  required bool filter,
  required BuildContext context,
  required Function onPressed,
  int? nbFilters,
  bool? orderAsc,
  String? orderBy,
})? buildFutureFilterOrOrderButton;