Helpers topic
Helper Classes
Helper classes for the SealdSdk and EncryptionSessions.
- SealdAccountInfo Helpers
- Represents information about the local account.
- SealdActionStatus Helpers
- Represents the status of an operation on single user/device.
- SealdClearFile Helpers
- Represents a decrypted file.
- SealdConnector Helpers
- Represents all details about a connector.
- SealdConnectorTypeValue Helpers
- Represents a connector type-value pair.
- SealdCreateSubIdentityResponse Helpers
- Represents a newly created sub identity.
- SealdDeviceMissingKeys Helpers
- Represents a device of the current account which is missing some keys, and for which you probably want to call SealdSdk.massReencrypt.
- SealdMassReencryptResponse Helpers
- Represents the results of a call to SealdSdk.massReencrypt.
- SealdPreValidationToken Helpers
- Represents a way for your server to authorize the adding of a connector.
- SealdRecipientRights Helpers
- Represents a connector type-value pair.
- SealdRecipientWithRights Helpers
- Represents a recipient with the associated rights Default rights are: read: true, forward: true, revoke: false Default rights for the current user when creating an encryptionSession are read: true, forward: true, revoke: true
- SealdRevokeResult Helpers
- The result of a revocation operation.
- SealdTmrRecipientWithRights Helpers
- Represents a tmr recipient with the associated rights