
SealdSDK allows you to use the full power of Seald encryption, directly in your Flutter application.

You can create and retrieve Seald identities for your app's users, encrypt and decrypt files, create encryption sessions, add or revoke recipients...

For more information, visit our website : .

This package is published on at .

A full example app is available at .

Basic Example

import 'package:seald_sdk_flutter/seald_sdk.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  final SealdSdk seald = SealdSdk(
    apiURL: apiURL,
    appId: appId,

  // Creating a Seald identity
  final SealdAccountInfo info = await seald.createAccountAsync(jwt);

  // Encrypting / Decrypting data
  final SealdEncryptionSession es = await seald.createEncryptionSessionAsync([info.userId]);
  final Uint8List encryptedFile = await es.encryptFileAsync(
    Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('Secret file content')),
  final Uint8List decryptedFile = await es.decryptFileAsync(encryptedFile);

Installation on iOS

For installation on iOS, you will have to set a global platform of at least iOS 13 for your project. To do that, edit your ./ios/Podfile, and add the following line:

platform :ios, '13.0'

Hot-Reload / Hot-Restart

The Seald SDK is not compatible with Flutter's Hot-Reload / Hot-Restart features. If you try using them, you will likely encounter a DATABASE_LOCKED error.

This is due to a limitation of the Dart VM, which does not allow to access to lifecycle hooks, in order to perform proper cleanup on the existing instance during a Hot-Restart.

© 2024 Seald SAS

You can find the license information of Open Source libraries used in Seald SDK for mobile at .

