seald_sdk library


SealdAccountInfo Helpers
Represents information about the local account.
SealdActionStatus Helpers
Represents the status of an operation on single user/device.
CheckSigchainHashResponse is returned when calling SealdSdk.checkSigchainHash or SealdSdk.checkSigchainHashAsync, containing if the hash was found in the sigchain or not.
SealdClearFile Helpers
Represents a decrypted file.
SealdConnector Helpers
Represents all details about a connector.
SealdConnectorTypeValue Helpers
Represents a connector type-value pair.
SealdConvertTmrAccessesResult is returned when calling SealdSdk.convertTmrAccesses. containing the result of conversion
SealdCreateSubIdentityResponse Helpers
Represents a newly created sub identity.
SealdDeviceMissingKeys Helpers
Represents a device of the current account which is missing some keys, and for which you probably want to call SealdSdk.massReencrypt.
SealdEncryptionSession SealdEncryptionSession
Represents an encryption session, with which you can then encrypt / decrypt multiple messages / files. This should not be created directly, and should be retrieved with SealdSdk.retrieveEncryptionSession.
SealdEncryptionSessionRetrievalDetails represents the details of how an Encryption Session was retrieved.
SealdGeneratedPrivateKeys Utils
Represents a set of pre-generated private keys. Returned by SealdSdk.generatePrivateKeysAsync. Can be passed to sync functions that need private keys.
SealdGetSigchainResponse is returned when calling SealdSdk.getSigchainHash or SealdSdk.getSigchainHashAsync, containing the hash value and the position of the hash in the sigchain.
SealdMassReencryptResponse Helpers
Represents the results of a call to SealdSdk.massReencrypt.
SealdPreValidationToken Helpers
Represents a way for your server to authorize the adding of a connector.
SealdRecipientRights Helpers
Represents a connector type-value pair.
SealdRecipientWithRights Helpers
Represents a recipient with the associated rights Default rights are: read: true, forward: true, revoke: false Default rights for the current user when creating an encryptionSession are read: true, forward: true, revoke: true
SealdRevokeResult Helpers
The result of a revocation operation.
SealdSdk SealdSdk
This is the main class for the Seald SDK. It represents an instance of the Seald SDK. This must be instantiated from the root isolate, or you must pass the rootIsolateToken argument.
SealdSsksPasswordPlugin SealdSsksPasswordPlugin
SealdSsksPasswordPlugin represents the Seald SSKS Password plugin.
SealdSsksTMRPlugin SealdSsksTMRPlugin
The SealdSSKSTmrPlugin class allows to use the SSKS key storage service to store Seald identities easily and securely, encrypted by a key stored on your back-end server.
SealdSsksTMRPluginGetFactorTokenResponse SealdSsksTMRPlugin
SealdSsksTMRPluginGetFactorTokenResponse holds a retrieved tmr JWT.
SealdSsksTMRPluginRetrieveIdentityResponse SealdSsksTMRPlugin
SealdSsksTMRPluginRetrieveIdentityResponse holds a retrieved identity.
SealdSsksTMRPluginSaveIdentityResponse SealdSsksTMRPlugin
SealdSsksTMRPluginSaveIdentityResponse is returned by SealdSsksTMRPlugin.saveIdentity when an identity has been successfully saved.
SealdTmrAccessesConvertFilters holds the tmr accesses filters used when converting TMR accesses.
SealdTmrAccessesRetrievalFilters holds the tmr accesses filters used when retrieving an EncryptionSession.
SealdTmrRecipientWithRights Helpers
Represents a tmr recipient with the associated rights


SealdEncryptionSessionRetrievalFlow represents the way the session was retrieved : as a direct recipient, as member of a group, or through a proxy session.


parseSessionId({String? message, String? filePath, Uint8List? fileBytes}) String Utils
Takes the path to an encrypted file, or the bytes of an encrypted file, or a message, and returns the session id.

Exceptions / Errors

SealdException Helpers