createEncryptionSession method

SealdEncryptionSession createEncryptionSession(
  1. List<SealdRecipientWithRights> recipients, {
  2. bool useCache = true,

Create an encryption session, and returns the associated SealdEncryptionSession instance, with which you can then encrypt/decrypt multiple messages. Warning: if you want to be able to retrieve the session later, you must put your own Seald ID in the recipients argument.

recipients - The Seald IDs of users who should be able to retrieve this session. useCache - Whether or not to use the cache (if enabled globally). Returns the created SealdEncryptionSession instance.


SealdEncryptionSession createEncryptionSession(
    List<SealdRecipientWithRights> recipients,
    {bool useCache = true}) {
  return SealdEncryptionSession._fromC(
      _createEncryptionSession(recipients, useCache: useCache).pointer());