mixPause function
Pause a particular channel.
Pausing a channel will prevent further playback of the assigned chunk but will maintain the chunk's current mixing position. When resumed, this channel will continue to mix the chunk where it left off.
A paused channel can be resumed by calling Mix_Resume().
A paused channel with an expiration will not expire while paused (the expiration countdown will be adjusted once resumed).
It is legal to halt a paused channel. Playing a new chunk on a paused channel will replace the current chunk and unpause the channel.
Specifying a channel of -1 will pause all channels. Any music is unaffected.
You may not specify MAX_CHANNEL_POST for a channel.
\param channel the channel to pause, or -1 to pause all channels.
\since This function is available since SDL_mixer 3.0.0.
extern SDL_DECLSPEC void SDLCALL Mix_Pause(int channel)
void mixPause(int channel) {
final mixPauseLookupFunction = libSdl3Mixer.lookupFunction<
Void Function(Int32 channel), void Function(int channel)>('Mix_Pause');
return mixPauseLookupFunction(channel);