mixAllocateChannels(int numchans)
→ int
Dynamically change the number of channels managed by the mixer.
mixChannelFinished(Pointer<NativeFunction<MixChannelFinishedCallback>> channelFinished)
→ void
Set a callback that runs when a channel has finished playing.
→ void
Close the mixer, halting all playing audio.
mixEachSoundFont(Pointer<NativeFunction<MixEachSoundFontCallback>> function, Pointer<NativeType> data)
→ bool
Iterate SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
mixExpireChannel(int channel, int ticks)
→ int
Change the expiration delay for a particular channel.
mixFadeInChannel(int channel, Pointer<MixChunk> chunk, int loops, int ms)
→ int
Play an audio chunk on a specific channel, fading in the audio.
mixFadeInChannelTimed(int channel, Pointer<MixChunk> chunk, int loops, int ms, int ticks)
→ int
Play an audio chunk on a specific channel, fading in the audio, for a
maximum time.
mixFadeInMusic(Pointer<MixMusic> music, int loops, int ms)
→ bool
Play a new music object, fading in the audio.
mixFadeInMusicPos(Pointer<MixMusic> music, int loops, int ms, double position)
→ bool
Play a new music object, fading in the audio, from a starting position.
mixFadeOutChannel(int which, int ms)
→ int
Halt a channel after fading it out for a specified time.
mixFadeOutGroup(int tag, int ms)
→ int
Halt a playing group of channels by arbitrary tag, after fading them out
for a specified time.
mixFadeOutMusic(int ms)
→ bool
Halt the music stream after fading it out for a specified time.
mixFadingChannel(int which)
→ int
Query the fading status of a channel.
→ int
Query the fading status of the music stream.
mixFreeChunk(Pointer<MixChunk> chunk)
→ void
Free an audio chunk.
mixFreeMusic(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ void
Free a music object.
mixGetChunk(int channel)
→ Pointer<MixChunk>
Get the Mix_Chunk currently associated with a mixer channel.
mixGetChunkDecoder(int index)
→ String?
Get a chunk decoder's name.
mixGetMusicAlbumTag(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ String?
Get the album name for a music object.
mixGetMusicArtistTag(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ String?
Get the artist name for a music object.
mixGetMusicCopyrightTag(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ String?
Get the copyright text for a music object.
mixGetMusicDecoder(int index)
→ String?
Get a music decoder's name.
→ Pointer<NativeType>
Get a pointer to the user data for the current music hook.
mixGetMusicLoopEndTime(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ double
Get the loop end time position of music stream, in seconds.
mixGetMusicLoopLengthTime(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ double
Get the loop time length of music stream, in seconds.
mixGetMusicLoopStartTime(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ double
Get the loop start time position of music stream, in seconds.
mixGetMusicPosition(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ double
Get the time current position of music stream, in seconds.
mixGetMusicTitle(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ String?
Get the title for a music object, or its filename.
mixGetMusicTitleTag(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ String?
Get the title for a music object.
mixGetMusicType(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ int
Find out the format of a mixer music.
mixGetMusicVolume(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ int
Query the current volume value for a music object.
→ int
Get a list of chunk decoders that this build of SDL_mixer provides.
→ int
Get a list of music decoders that this build of SDL_mixer provides.
mixGetNumTracks(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ int
Get number of tracks in music object.
→ String?
Get SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
→ String?
Get full path of a previously-specified Timidity config file.
mixGroupAvailable(int tag)
→ int
Finds the first available channel in a group of channels.
mixGroupChannel(int which, int tag)
→ bool
Assign a tag to a channel.
mixGroupChannels(int from, int to, int tag)
→ bool
Assign several consecutive channels to the same tag.
mixGroupCount(int tag)
→ int
Returns the number of channels in a group.
mixGroupNewer(int tag)
→ int
Find the "most recent" sample playing in a group of channels.
mixGroupOldest(int tag)
→ int
Find the "oldest" sample playing in a group of channels.
mixHaltChannel(int channel)
→ void
Halt playing of a particular channel.
mixHaltGroup(int tag)
→ void
Halt playing of a group of channels by arbitrary tag.
→ void
Halt playing of the music stream.
mixHasChunkDecoder(String? name)
→ bool
Check if a chunk decoder is available by name.
mixHasMusicDecoder(String? name)
→ bool
Check if a music decoder is available by name.
mixHookMusic(Pointer<NativeFunction<MixMixCallback>> mixFunc, Pointer<NativeType> arg)
→ void
Add your own music player or additional mixer function.
mixHookMusicFinished(Pointer<NativeFunction<MixMusicFinishedCallback>> musicFinished)
→ void
Set a callback that runs when a music object has stopped playing.
mixInit(int flags)
→ int
Initialize SDL_mixer.
mixLoadMus(String? file)
→ Pointer<MixMusic>
Load a supported audio format into a music object.
mixLoadMusIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio)
→ Pointer<MixMusic>
Load a supported audio format into a music object.
mixLoadMusTypeIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, int type, bool closeio)
→ Pointer<MixMusic>
Load an audio format into a music object, assuming a specific format.
mixLoadWav(String? file)
→ Pointer<MixChunk>
Load a supported audio format into a chunk.
mixLoadWavIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio)
→ Pointer<MixChunk>
Load a supported audio format into a chunk.
mixMasterVolume(int volume)
→ int
Set the master volume for all channels.
mixModMusicJumpToOrder(int order)
→ bool
Jump to a given order in mod music.
mixMusicDuration(Pointer<MixMusic> music)
→ double
Get a music object's duration, in seconds.
mixOpenAudio(int devid, Pointer<SdlAudioSpec> spec)
→ bool
Open an audio device for playback.
mixPause(int channel)
→ void
Pause a particular channel.
mixPauseAudio(int pauseOn)
→ void
Suspend or resume the whole audio output.
mixPaused(int channel)
→ int
Query whether a particular channel is paused.
→ bool
Query whether the music stream is paused.
mixPauseGroup(int tag)
→ void
Pause playing of a group of channels by arbitrary tag.
→ void
Pause the music stream.
mixPlayChannel(int channel, Pointer<MixChunk> chunk, int loops)
→ int
Play an audio chunk on a specific channel.
mixPlayChannelTimed(int channel, Pointer<MixChunk> chunk, int loops, int ticks)
→ int
Play an audio chunk on a specific channel for a maximum time.
mixPlaying(int channel)
→ int
Check the playing status of a specific channel.
→ bool
Check the playing status of the music stream.
mixPlayMusic(Pointer<MixMusic> music, int loops)
→ bool
Play a new music object.
mixQuerySpec(Pointer<Int32> frequency, Pointer<Int32> format, Pointer<Int32> channels)
→ bool
Find out what the actual audio device parameters are.
mixQuickLoadRaw(Pointer<Uint8> mem, int len)
→ Pointer<MixChunk>
Load a raw audio data from memory as quickly as possible.
mixQuickLoadWav(Pointer<Uint8> mem)
→ Pointer<MixChunk>
Load a WAV file from memory as quickly as possible.
→ void
Deinitialize SDL_mixer.
mixRegisterEffect(int chan, Pointer<NativeFunction<MixEffectFuncT>> f, Pointer<NativeFunction<MixEffectDoneT>> d, Pointer<NativeType> arg)
→ bool
Register a special effect function.
mixReserveChannels(int num)
→ int
Reserve the first channels for the application.
mixResume(int channel)
→ void
Resume a particular channel.
mixResumeGroup(int tag)
→ void
Resume playing of a group of channels by arbitrary tag.
→ void
Resume the music stream.
→ void
Rewind the music stream.
mixSetDistance(int channel, int distance)
→ bool
Set the "distance" of a channel.
mixSetMusicPosition(double position)
→ bool
Set the current position in the music stream, in seconds.
mixSetPanning(int channel, int left, int right)
→ bool
Set the panning of a channel.
mixSetPosition(int channel, int angle, int distance)
→ bool
Set the position of a channel.
mixSetPostMix(Pointer<NativeFunction<MixMixCallback>> mixFunc, Pointer<NativeType> arg)
→ void
Set a function that is called after all mixing is performed.
mixSetReverseStereo(int channel, int flip)
→ bool
Cause a channel to reverse its stereo.
mixSetSoundFonts(String? paths)
→ bool
Set SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
mixSetTimidityCfg(String? path)
→ bool
Set full path of the Timidity config file.
mixStartTrack(Pointer<MixMusic> music, int track)
→ bool
Start a track in music object.
mixUnregisterAllEffects(int channel)
→ bool
Explicitly unregister all special effect functions.
mixUnregisterEffect(int channel, Pointer<NativeFunction<MixEffectFuncT>> f)
→ bool
Explicitly unregister a special effect function.
→ int
This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_mixer library.
mixVolume(int channel, int volume)
→ int
Set the volume for a specific channel.
mixVolumeChunk(Pointer<MixChunk> chunk, int volume)
→ int
Set the volume for a specific chunk.
mixVolumeMusic(int volume)
→ int
Set the volume for the music channel.
= Void Function(Int32 channel)
= void Function(int channel)
= Uint8 Function(Pointer<Utf8> arg0, Pointer<NativeType> arg1)
= int Function(Pointer<Utf8> arg0, Pointer<NativeType> arg1)
= Void Function(Int32 chan, Pointer<NativeType> udata)
= void Function(int chan, Pointer<NativeType> udata)
= Void Function(Int32 chan, Pointer<NativeType> stream, Int32 len, Pointer<NativeType> udata)
= void Function(int chan, Pointer<NativeType> stream, int len, Pointer<NativeType> udata)
= Void Function(Pointer<NativeType> udata, Pointer<Uint8> stream, Int32 len)
= void Function(Pointer<NativeType> udata, Pointer<Uint8> stream, int len)
= Void Function()
= void Function()