getFreeTypeVersion(Pointer<Int32> major, Pointer<Int32> minor, Pointer<Int32> patch)
→ void
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Query the version of the FreeType library in use.
getGlyphScript(int ch, Pointer<Int8> script, int scriptSize)
→ bool
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Get the script used by a 32-bit codepoint.
getHarfBuzzVersion(Pointer<Int32> major, Pointer<Int32> minor, Pointer<Int32> patch)
→ void
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Query the version of the HarfBuzz library in use.
→ bool
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Initialize SDL_ttf.
open(String file, double ptsize)
→ Pointer<TtfFont>
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Create a font from a file, using a specified point size.
openIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio, double ptsize)
→ Pointer<TtfFont>
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Create a font from an SDL_IOStream, using a specified point size.
openWithProperties(int props)
→ Pointer<TtfFont>
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Create a font with the specified properties.
→ void
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Deinitialize SDL_ttf.
→ int
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_ttf library.
→ int
Available on TtfFont,
provided by the TtfFontEx extension
Check if SDL_ttf is initialized.