GenericNullableScrewdriver<T extends Object?> extension

Provides extensions on nullable types.

  • T?


isFalsy bool

Available on T?, provided by the GenericNullableScrewdriver extension

Checks false-ness of the value.
no setter
isTruthy bool

Available on T?, provided by the GenericNullableScrewdriver extension

Checks truthiness of the value.
no setter


apply(void block(T obj)) → T?

Available on T?, provided by the GenericNullableScrewdriver extension

Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns this value.
run<R>(R block(T obj)) → R?

Available on T?, provided by the GenericNullableScrewdriver extension

Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns this value.