read<T> function

T read<T>(
  1. ScopedRef<T> ref, {
  2. T orElse()?,

Attempts to retrieve the value for the ref. If read is called with a ref which is not available in the current scope, a StateError will be thrown.


T read<T>(ScopedRef<T> ref, {T Function()? orElse}) {
  final value = (Zone.current[ref._key] as ScopedRef<T>?)?._value;
  if (value == null) {
    if (orElse != null) return orElse();
    throw StateError(
read(ScopedRef<$T>) was called in a scope which does not contain a corresponding value for the provided ref.
Did you forget to call: runScoped(() {...}, values: {value})?''',
  return value;