Read a CSV file and return a List where each element is a row of the file
fileName : file name
baseDir : optional, base directory to the file, if not informed, get current script path.
delimiter : optional, string used to separate values, by default is ";"
skipHeader : optional, the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file, default is 0
skipFooter : optional, the number of lines to skip at the end of the file, default is 0
convertToArray2d : optional, try convert the dynamic list to a Array2d list,
if don't have success, throw a exception, default is false.
The conditions to a success conversion is: all the information read in the csv file has to be
parseble to a number. If you have header or footer, use skipHeader or skipFooter parameters
to ignore this info from conversion.
encoding : optional, the encoding of the file, default is utf8
Return a List
Read a TXT file and return a List where each element is line of the file
fileName : file name or path of the file
baseDir : optional, base directory to the file, if not informed, get current script path.
encoding : optional, the encoding of the file, default is utf8
Read a TXT file and return a String with file content
fileName : file name or path of the file
baseDir : optional, base directory to the file, if not informed, get current script path.
encoding : optional, the encoding of the file, default is utf8
Write a list of line in a TXT file
data : a list where each line is a string that will be written in the file
fileName : file name or path of the file
baseDir : optional, base directory to the file, if not informed, get current script path.
delimiter : optional, string used to separate values, by default is ";"
encoding : optional, the encoding of the file, default is utf8
mode : optional, the mode how the program will write the file:
Write a list of line in a TXT file
lines : a list where each line is a string that will be written in the file
fileName : file name or path of the file
baseDir : optional, base directory to the file, if not informed, get current script path.
encoding : optional, the encoding of the file, default is utf8
mode : optional, the mode how the program will write the file:
Write a string in a TXT file
text : the string that will be written in the file
fileName : file name or path of the file
baseDir : optional, base directory to the file, if not informed, get current script path.
encoding : optional, the encoding of the file, default is utf8
mode : optional, the mode how the program will write the file: