SchemaBusOrCoach class

A bus (also omnibus or autobus) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Coaches are luxury busses, usually in service for long distance travel. See


SchemaBusOrCoach({String? acrissCode, SchemaQuantitativeValue? roofLoad, SchemaQuantitativeValue? accelerationTime, dynamic bodyType, String? callSign, SchemaQuantitativeValue? cargoVolume, String? dateVehicleFirstRegistered, dynamic driveWheelConfiguration, int? emissionsCO2, SchemaQuantitativeValue? fuelCapacity, SchemaQuantitativeValue? fuelConsumption, SchemaQuantitativeValue? fuelEfficiency, dynamic fuelType, String? knownVehicleDamages, dynamic meetsEmissionStandard, SchemaQuantitativeValue? mileageFromOdometer, String? modelDate, dynamic numberOfAirbags, dynamic numberOfAxles, dynamic numberOfDoors, dynamic numberOfForwardGears, dynamic numberOfPreviousOwners, SchemaQuantitativeValue? payload, String? productionDate, String? purchaseDate, dynamic seatingCapacity, SchemaQuantitativeValue? speed, SchemaSteeringPositionValue? steeringPosition, SchemaQuantitativeValue? tongueWeight, SchemaQuantitativeValue? trailerWeight, String? vehicleConfiguration, SchemaEngineSpecification? vehicleEngine, String? vehicleIdentificationNumber, String? vehicleInteriorColor, String? vehicleInteriorType, String? vehicleModelDate, dynamic vehicleSeatingCapacity, dynamic vehicleSpecialUsage, dynamic vehicleTransmission, SchemaQuantitativeValue? weightTotal, SchemaQuantitativeValue? wheelbase, SchemaPropertyValue? additionalProperty, SchemaAggregateRating? aggregateRating, String? asin, SchemaAudience? audience, String? award, String? awards, dynamic brand, dynamic category, String? color, dynamic colorSwatch, String? countryOfAssembly, String? countryOfLastProcessing, SchemaCountry? countryOfOrigin, dynamic depth, SchemaGrant? funding, String? gtin, String? gtin12, String? gtin13, String? gtin14, String? gtin8, SchemaAdultOrientedEnumeration? hasAdultConsideration, SchemaCertification? hasCertification, SchemaEnergyConsumptionDetails? hasEnergyConsumptionDetails, SchemaQuantitativeValue? hasMeasurement, SchemaMerchantReturnPolicy? hasMerchantReturnPolicy, dynamic height, String? inProductGroupWithID, SchemaProduct? isAccessoryOrSparePartFor, SchemaProduct? isConsumableFor, bool? isFamilyFriendly, dynamic isRelatedTo, dynamic isSimilarTo, dynamic isVariantOf, SchemaOfferItemCondition? itemCondition, dynamic keywords, SchemaOrganization? manufacturer, dynamic material, String? mobileUrl, dynamic model, String? mpn, dynamic negativeNotes, String? nsn, dynamic offers, dynamic pattern, dynamic positiveNotes, String? productID, String? releaseDate, SchemaReview? review, SchemaReview? reviews, dynamic size, String? sku, String? slogan, SchemaQuantitativeValue? weight, dynamic width, String? additionalType, String? alternateName, dynamic description, String? disambiguatingDescription, dynamic identifier, dynamic image, dynamic mainEntityOfPage, String? name, SchemaAction? potentialAction, String? sameAs, dynamic subjectOf, String? url})
Create a new instance of SchemaBusOrCoach


accelerationTime SchemaQuantitativeValue?
There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for seconds/0..100 km/h or seconds/0..60 mph. Simply use "SEC" for seconds and indicate the velocities in the Schemaname of the SchemaQuantitativeValue, or use SchemavalueReference with a SchemaQuantitativeValue of 0..60 mph or 0..100 km/h to specify the reference speeds.
getter/setter pair
acrissCode String?
The ACRISS Car Classification Code is a code used by many car rental companies, for classifying vehicles. ACRISS stands for Association of Car Rental Industry Systems and Standards.
getter/setter pair
additionalProperty SchemaPropertyValue?
//, ...) will typically expect such data to be provided using those properties, rather than using the generic property/value mechanism.
getter/setter pair
additionalType String?
//">style guide.
getter/setter pair
aggregateRating SchemaAggregateRating?
The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item.
getter/setter pair
alternateName String?
An alias for the item.
getter/setter pair
asin String?
//'s article).
getter/setter pair
audience SchemaAudience?
An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created.
getter/setter pair
award String?
An award won by or for this item.
getter/setter pair
awards String?
Awards won by or for this item.
getter/setter pair
bodyType ↔ dynamic
Indicates the design and body style of the vehicle (e.g. station wagon, hatchback, etc.).
getter/setter pair
brand ↔ dynamic
The brand(s) associated with a product or service, or the brand(s) maintained by an organization or business person.
getter/setter pair
callSign String?
//, as used in broadcasting and radio communications to identify people, radio and TV stations, or vehicles.
getter/setter pair
cargoVolume SchemaQuantitativeValue?
You can use SchemaminValue and SchemamaxValue to indicate ranges.
getter/setter pair
category ↔ dynamic
A category for the item. Greater signs or slashes can be used to informally indicate a category hierarchy.
getter/setter pair
color String?
The color of the product.
getter/setter pair
colorSwatch ↔ dynamic
A color swatch image, visualizing the color of a SchemaProduct. Should match the textual description specified in the Schemacolor property. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
getter/setter pair
countryOfAssembly String?
The place where the product was assembled.
getter/setter pair
countryOfLastProcessing String?
The place where the item (typically SchemaProduct) was last processed and tested before importation.
getter/setter pair
countryOfOrigin SchemaCountry?
The country of origin of something, including products as well as creative works such as movie and TV content.
getter/setter pair
dateVehicleFirstRegistered String?
The date of the first registration of the vehicle with the respective public authorities.
getter/setter pair
depth ↔ dynamic
The depth of the item.
getter/setter pair
description ↔ dynamic
A description of the item.
getter/setter pair
disambiguatingDescription String?
A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
getter/setter pair
driveWheelConfiguration ↔ dynamic
The drive wheel configuration, i.e. which roadwheels will receive torque from the vehicle's engine via the drivetrain.
getter/setter pair
emissionsCO2 int?
The CO2 emissions in g/km. When used in combination with a QuantitativeValue, put "g/km" into the unitText property of that value, since there is no UN/CEFACT Common Code for "g/km".
getter/setter pair
fuelCapacity SchemaQuantitativeValue?
LTR for liters, GLL of US gallons, GLI for UK / imperial gallons, AMH for ampere-hours (for electrical vehicles).
getter/setter pair
fuelConsumption SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed ("at 80 km/h") or usage pattern ("city traffic"). You can use SchemavalueReference to link the value for the fuel consumption to another value.
getter/setter pair
fuelEfficiency SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Often, the absolute value is useful only when related to driving speed ("at 80 km/h") or usage pattern ("city traffic"). You can use SchemavalueReference to link the value for the fuel economy to another value.
getter/setter pair
fuelType ↔ dynamic
The type of fuel suitable for the engine or engines of the vehicle. If the vehicle has only one engine, this property can be attached directly to the vehicle.
getter/setter pair
funding SchemaGrant?
A SchemaGrant that directly or indirectly provide funding or sponsorship for this item. See also SchemaownershipFundingInfo.
getter/setter pair
gtin String?
// for more details. Left-padding of the gtin values is not required or encouraged. The Schemagtin property generalizes the earlier Schemagtin8, Schemagtin12, Schemagtin13, and Schemagtin14 properties.
getter/setter pair
gtin12 String?
// for more details.
getter/setter pair
gtin13 String?
// for more details.
getter/setter pair
gtin14 String?
// for more details.
getter/setter pair
gtin8 String?
// for more details.
getter/setter pair
hasAdultConsideration SchemaAdultOrientedEnumeration?
Used to tag an item to be intended or suitable for consumption or use by adults only.
getter/setter pair
hasCertification SchemaCertification?
Certification information about a product, organization, service, place, or person.
getter/setter pair
hasEnergyConsumptionDetails SchemaEnergyConsumptionDetails?
Defines the energy efficiency Category (also known as "class" or "rating") for a product according to an international energy efficiency standard.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasMeasurement SchemaQuantitativeValue?
A measurement of an item, For example, the inseam of pants, the wheel size of a bicycle, the gauge of a screw, or the carbon footprint measured for certification by an authority. Usually an exact measurement, but can also be a range of measurements for adjustable products, for example belts and ski bindings.
getter/setter pair
hasMerchantReturnPolicy SchemaMerchantReturnPolicy?
Specifies a MerchantReturnPolicy that may be applicable.
getter/setter pair
height ↔ dynamic
The height of the item.
getter/setter pair
identifier ↔ dynamic
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of SchemaThing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details.
getter/setter pair
image ↔ dynamic
An image of the item. This can be a SchemaURL or a fully described SchemaImageObject.
getter/setter pair
inProductGroupWithID String?
Indicates the SchemaproductGroupID for a SchemaProductGroup that this product SchemaisVariantOf.
getter/setter pair
isAccessoryOrSparePartFor SchemaProduct?
A pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is an accessory or spare part.
getter/setter pair
isConsumableFor SchemaProduct?
A pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is a consumable.
getter/setter pair
isFamilyFriendly bool?
Indicates whether this content is family friendly.
getter/setter pair
isRelatedTo ↔ dynamic
A pointer to another, somehow related product (or multiple products).
getter/setter pair
isSimilarTo ↔ dynamic
A pointer to another, functionally similar product (or multiple products).
getter/setter pair
isVariantOf ↔ dynamic
Indicates the kind of product that this is a variant of. In the case of SchemaProductModel, this is a pointer (from a ProductModel) to a base product from which this product is a variant. It is safe to infer that the variant inherits all product features from the base model, unless defined locally. This is not transitive. In the case of a SchemaProductGroup, the group description also serves as a template, representing a set of Products that vary on explicitly defined, specific dimensions only (so it defines both a set of variants, as well as which values distinguish amongst those variants). When used with SchemaProductGroup, this property can apply to any SchemaProduct included in the group.
getter/setter pair
itemCondition SchemaOfferItemCondition?
A predefined value from OfferItemCondition specifying the condition of the product or service, or the products or services included in the offer. Also used for product return policies to specify the condition of products accepted for returns.
getter/setter pair
keywords ↔ dynamic
Keywords or tags used to describe some item. Multiple textual entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas, or by repeating the property.
getter/setter pair
knownVehicleDamages String?
A textual description of known damages, both repaired and unrepaired.
getter/setter pair
An associated logo.
getter/setter pair
mainEntityOfPage ↔ dynamic
Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details.
getter/setter pair
manufacturer SchemaOrganization?
The manufacturer of the product.
getter/setter pair
material ↔ dynamic
A material that something is made from, e.g. leather, wool, cotton, paper.
getter/setter pair
meetsEmissionStandard ↔ dynamic
Indicates that the vehicle meets the respective emission standard.
getter/setter pair
mileageFromOdometer SchemaQuantitativeValue?
KMT for kilometers, SMI for statute miles.
getter/setter pair
mobileUrl String?
// in which content can be flexibly adapted to a wide range of browsing environments. Pages and sites referenced with the long-established Schemaurl property should ideally also be usable on a wide variety of devices, including mobile phones. In most cases, it would be pointless and counter productive to attempt to update all Schemaurl markup to use SchemamobileUrl for more mobile-oriented pages. The property is intended for the case when items (primarily SchemaProduct and SchemaOffer) have extra URLs hosted on an additional "mobile site" alongside the main one. It should not be taken as an endorsement of this publication style.
getter/setter pair
model ↔ dynamic
The model of the product. Use with the URL of a ProductModel or a textual representation of the model identifier. The URL of the ProductModel can be from an external source. It is recommended to additionally provide strong product identifiers via the gtin8/gtin13/gtin14 and mpn properties.
getter/setter pair
modelDate String?
The release date of a vehicle model (often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model).
getter/setter pair
mpn String?
The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of the product, or the product to which the offer refers.
getter/setter pair
name String?
The name of the item.
getter/setter pair
negativeNotes ↔ dynamic
Provides negative considerations regarding something, most typically in pro/con lists for reviews (alongside SchemapositiveNotes). For symmetry
getter/setter pair
nsn String?
// (nsn) of a SchemaProduct.
getter/setter pair
numberOfAirbags ↔ dynamic
The number or type of airbags in the vehicle.
getter/setter pair
numberOfAxles ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
numberOfDoors ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
numberOfForwardGears ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
numberOfPreviousOwners ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
offers ↔ dynamic
An offer to provide this item—for example, an offer to sell a product, rent the DVD of a movie, perform a service, or give away tickets to an event. Use SchemabusinessFunction to indicate the kind of transaction offered, i.e. sell, lease, etc. This property can also be used to describe a SchemaDemand. While this property is listed as expected on a number of common types, it can be used in others. In that case, using a second type, such as Product or a subtype of Product, can clarify the nature of the offer.
getter/setter pair
pattern ↔ dynamic
A pattern that something has, for example 'polka dot', 'striped', 'Canadian flag'. Values are typically expressed as text, although links to controlled value schemes are also supported.
getter/setter pair
payload SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Note that you can use SchemaminValue and SchemamaxValue to indicate ranges.
getter/setter pair
positiveNotes ↔ dynamic
Provides positive considerations regarding something, for example product highlights or (alongside SchemanegativeNotes) pro/con lists for reviews.
getter/setter pair
potentialAction SchemaAction?
Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.
getter/setter pair
productID String?
123-456-789" ```.
getter/setter pair
productionDate String?
The date of production of the item, e.g. vehicle.
getter/setter pair
purchaseDate String?
The date the item, e.g. vehicle, was purchased by the current owner.
getter/setter pair
releaseDate String?
The release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.
getter/setter pair
review SchemaReview?
A review of the item.
getter/setter pair
reviews SchemaReview?
Review of the item.
getter/setter pair
roofLoad SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Note that you can use SchemaminValue and SchemamaxValue to indicate ranges.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sameAs String?
URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website.
getter/setter pair
seatingCapacity ↔ dynamic
C62 for persons.
getter/setter pair
size ↔ dynamic
A standardized size of a product or creative work, specified either through a simple textual string (for example 'XL', '32Wx34L'), a QuantitativeValue with a unitCode, or a comprehensive and structured SchemaSizeSpecification; in other cases, the Schemawidth, Schemaheight, Schemadepth and Schemaweight properties may be more applicable.
getter/setter pair
sku String?
The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), i.e. a merchant-specific identifier for a product or service, or the product to which the offer refers.
getter/setter pair
slogan String?
A slogan or motto associated with the item.
getter/setter pair
speed SchemaQuantitativeValue?
There are many different ways of measuring the speed range. You can link to information about how the given value has been determined using the SchemavalueReference property.
getter/setter pair
steeringPosition SchemaSteeringPositionValue?
The position of the steering wheel or similar device (mostly for cars).
getter/setter pair
subjectOf ↔ dynamic
A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing.
getter/setter pair
tongueWeight SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Note that you can use SchemaminValue and SchemamaxValue to indicate ranges.
getter/setter pair
trailerWeight SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Note that you can use SchemaminValue and SchemamaxValue to indicate ranges.
getter/setter pair
url String?
URL of the item.
getter/setter pair
vehicleConfiguration String?
A short text indicating the configuration of the vehicle, e.g. '5dr hatchback ST 2.5 MT 225 hp' or 'limited edition'.
getter/setter pair
vehicleEngine SchemaEngineSpecification?
Information about the engine or engines of the vehicle.
getter/setter pair
vehicleIdentificationNumber String?
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles.
getter/setter pair
vehicleInteriorColor String?
The color or color combination of the interior of the vehicle.
getter/setter pair
vehicleInteriorType String?
The type or material of the interior of the vehicle (e.g. synthetic fabric, leather, wood, etc.). While most interior types are characterized by the material used, an interior type can also be based on vehicle usage or target audience.
getter/setter pair
vehicleModelDate String?
The release date of a vehicle model (often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model).
getter/setter pair
vehicleSeatingCapacity ↔ dynamic
C62 for persons.
getter/setter pair
vehicleSpecialUsage ↔ dynamic
Indicates whether the vehicle has been used for special purposes, like commercial rental, driving school, or as a taxi. The legislation in many countries requires this information to be revealed when offering a car for sale.
getter/setter pair
vehicleTransmission ↔ dynamic
The type of component used for transmitting the power from a rotating power source to the wheels or other relevant component(s) ("gearbox" for cars).
getter/setter pair
weight SchemaQuantitativeValue?
The weight of the product or person.
getter/setter pair
weightTotal SchemaQuantitativeValue?
Note that you can use SchemaminValue and SchemamaxValue to indicate ranges.
getter/setter pair
wheelbase SchemaQuantitativeValue?
CMT for centimeters, MTR for meters, INH for inches, FOT for foot/feet.
getter/setter pair
width ↔ dynamic
The width of the item.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJsonLd() Map<String, dynamic>
Serialize SchemaBusOrCoach to JSON-LD
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.