DocumentScannerTextLocalization constructor
- String cameraPermissionEnableCameraTitle = "Camera permission denied!",
- String cameraPermissionEnableCameraExplanation = "Please allow the usage of the camera to start the scanning process.",
- String cameraPermissionEnableCameraButton = "Grant permission",
- String cameraPermissionCloseButton = "Close",
- String cameraTopBarCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
- String cameraTopBarTitle = "Scan Document",
- String cameraTopGuidance = "Scan each page of your document.",
- String cameraUserGuidanceStart = "Please hold your device over a document.",
- String cameraUserGuidanceNoDocumentFound = "No document found",
- String cameraUserGuidanceBadAspectRatio = "Bad aspect ratio",
- String cameraUserGuidanceBadAngles = "Bad angles",
- String cameraUserGuidanceTooNoisy = "Its too noisy. Try another background for the document",
- String cameraUserGuidanceTextHintOffCenter = "Document is off center",
- String cameraUserGuidanceTooSmall = "Document is too small. Move camera closer.",
- String cameraUserGuidanceTooDark = "Its too dark. Add more light.",
- String cameraUserGuidanceEnergySaveMode = "Energy save mode is on",
- String cameraUserGuidanceReadyToCapture = "Hold still capturing...",
- String cameraUserGuidanceReadyToCaptureManual = "Ready to capture!",
- String cameraImportButtonTitle = "Import",
- String cameraTorchOnButtonTitle = "On",
- String cameraTorchOffButtonTitle = "Off",
- String cameraAutoSnapButtonTitle = "Auto",
- String cameraManualSnapButtonTitle = "Manual",
- String cameraPreviewButtonTitle = "%d Pages",
- String cameraIntroDoneButton = "Done",
- String cameraIntroTitle = "How to scan a document",
- String cameraIntroSubtitle = "Follow the steps below to create a high-quality document scan",
- String cameraIntroItem1 = "1. Place your document on a flat surface.",
- String cameraIntroItem2 = "2. Hold your phone above the document.",
- String cameraIntroItem3 = "3. Follow the on-screen guidance to find the optimal position.",
- String cameraIntroItem4 = "4. Once you reach the optimal position, you can manually scan the document or let the app scan it automatically.",
- String cameraProgressOverlayTitle = "Please wait...",
- String cameraCancelAlertTitle = "Cancel?",
- String cameraCancelAlertSubtitle = "Canceling will delete all the pages scanned so far. Are you sure you want to cancel?",
- String cameraCancelNoButtonTitle = "No",
- String cameraCancelYesButtonTitle = "Yes, Cancel",
- String cameraLimitReachedAlertTitle = "You reached the limit!",
- String cameraLimitReachedAlertSubtitle = "You have scanned the maximum number of pages and cannot add any more. Please delete at least one page to perform a new scan.",
- String cameraLimitReachedOkButtonTitle = "Ok",
- String acknowledgementScreenBadDocumentHint = "The quality of your scan does not seem sufficient.",
- String acknowledgementRetakeButtonTitle = "Retake",
- String acknowledgementAcceptButtonTitle = "Use Scan",
- String reviewScreenTitle = "Review (%d)",
- String reviewTopBarBackButtonTitle = "Back",
- String reviewScreenPageCount = "Page %d/%d",
- String reviewScreenAddButtonTitle = "Add",
- String reviewScreenRetakeButtonTitle = "Retake",
- String reviewScreenCropButtonTitle = "Crop",
- String reviewScreenRotateButtonTitle = "Rotate",
- String reviewScreenDeleteButtonTitle = "Delete",
- String reviewScreenSubmitButtonTitle = "Submit",
- String reviewScreenDeleteAllButtonTitle = "Delete all",
- String reviewScreenReorderPagesButtonTitle = "Reorder pages",
- String zoomOverlayCancelButtonText = "Close",
- String reviewDeletePageAlertTitle = "Delete page?",
- String reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertTitle = "Delete all?",
- String reviewDeletePageAlertSubTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete the page?",
- String reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertSubtitle = "Are you sure you want to delete all pages?",
- String reviewDeletePageAlertConfirmButtonTitle = "Yes, Delete",
- String reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertDeleteButtonTitle = "Yes, Delete all",
- String reviewDeletePageAlertDeleteRetakeButtonTitle = "Delete and Retake",
- String reviewDeletePageAlertCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
- String reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
- String reorderPageTitle = "Reorder Pages",
- String reorderPageGuidanceTitle = "Drag pages to reorder",
- String reorderPageText = "%d",
- String reorderTopBarConfirmButtonTitle = "Done",
- String reorderTopBarCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
- String croppingTopBarConfirmButtonTitle = "Done",
- String croppingTopBarCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
- String croppingDetectButtonTitle = "Detect",
- String croppingRotateButtonTitle = "Rotate",
- String croppingResetButtonTitle = "Reset",
- String croppingScreenTitle = "Crop",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraPermissionEnableCameraButton = "Tap to grant camera permission",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraPermissionCloseButton = "Close screen without granting permission",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraTopBarIntroButton = "Tap to open introduction screen",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraTopBarCancelButton = "Tap to close scanner screen",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraImportButton = "Tap to import image",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraTorchOnButton = "Tap to disable torch",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraTorchOffButton = "Tap to enable torch",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraShutterButton = "Tap to take image",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraAutoSnapButton = "Tap to enable manual snapping mode",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraManualSnapButton = "Tap to enable auto snapping mode",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraPreviewButton = "Tap to preview scanned pages",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraIntroDoneButton = "Tap to close introduction screen",
- String accessibilityDescriptionAcknowledgementRetakeButton = "Tap to retake the image",
- String accessibilityDescriptionAcknowledgementAcceptButton = "Tap to accept the image regardless of its quality",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCroppingTopBarConfirmButton = "Tap to apply changes",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCroppingTopBarCancelButton = "Tap to close screen without applying changes",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCroppingDetectButton = "Tap to detect document on the image",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCroppingRotateButton = "Tap to rotate document",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCroppingResetButton = "Tap to reset document contour to whole image",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReorderTopBarConfirmButton = "Tap to apply changes",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReorderTopBarCancelButton = "Tap to close screen without applying changes",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewNextPageButton = "Tap to switch to the new page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewPreviousPageButton = "Tap to switch to the previous page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewAddButton = "Tap to Add new page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewRetakeButton = "Tap to Retake current selected page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewCropButton = "Tap to Crop selected page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewRotateButton = "Tap to Rotate selected page clockwise",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteButton = "Tap to Delete selected page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewSubmitButton = "Tap to Submit document",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewMoreButton = "Tap to show additional options",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteAllButton = "Tap to Delete all pages",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewReorderPagesButton = "Tap to Reorder pages",
- String accessibilityDescriptionZoomOverlayCancelButton = "Tap to Close zoom overlay",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewZoomButton = "Tap to open zoom overlay for selected page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewTopBarBackButton = "Tap to Close review screen",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeletePageAlertConfirmButton = "Tap to Delete page",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteAllPagesAlertDeleteButton = "Tap to Delete all pages",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeletePageAlertDeleteRetakeButton = "Tap to Delete page and Retake it",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeletePageAlertCancelButton = "Tap to Cancel operation",
- String accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteAllPagesAlertCancelButton = "Tap to Cancel operation",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraLimitReachedOkButton = "Tap to close alert dialog",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraCancelYesButton = "Tap to cancel document",
- String accessibilityDescriptionCameraCancelNoButton = "Tap to close alert dialog",
this.cameraPermissionEnableCameraTitle = "Camera permission denied!",
this.cameraPermissionEnableCameraExplanation =
"Please allow the usage of the camera to start the scanning process.",
this.cameraPermissionEnableCameraButton = "Grant permission",
this.cameraPermissionCloseButton = "Close",
this.cameraTopBarCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
this.cameraTopBarTitle = "Scan Document",
this.cameraTopGuidance = "Scan each page of your document.",
this.cameraUserGuidanceStart = "Please hold your device over a document.",
this.cameraUserGuidanceNoDocumentFound = "No document found",
this.cameraUserGuidanceBadAspectRatio = "Bad aspect ratio",
this.cameraUserGuidanceBadAngles = "Bad angles",
this.cameraUserGuidanceTooNoisy =
"Its too noisy. Try another background for the document",
this.cameraUserGuidanceTextHintOffCenter = "Document is off center",
this.cameraUserGuidanceTooSmall =
"Document is too small. Move camera closer.",
this.cameraUserGuidanceTooDark = "Its too dark. Add more light.",
this.cameraUserGuidanceEnergySaveMode = "Energy save mode is on",
this.cameraUserGuidanceReadyToCapture = "Hold still capturing...",
this.cameraUserGuidanceReadyToCaptureManual = "Ready to capture!",
this.cameraImportButtonTitle = "Import",
this.cameraTorchOnButtonTitle = "On",
this.cameraTorchOffButtonTitle = "Off",
this.cameraAutoSnapButtonTitle = "Auto",
this.cameraManualSnapButtonTitle = "Manual",
this.cameraPreviewButtonTitle = "%d Pages",
this.cameraIntroDoneButton = "Done",
this.cameraIntroTitle = "How to scan a document",
this.cameraIntroSubtitle =
"Follow the steps below to create a high-quality document scan",
this.cameraIntroItem1 = "1. Place your document on a flat surface.",
this.cameraIntroItem2 = "2. Hold your phone above the document.",
this.cameraIntroItem3 =
"3. Follow the on-screen guidance to find the optimal position.",
this.cameraIntroItem4 =
"4. Once you reach the optimal position, you can manually scan the document or let the app scan it automatically.",
this.cameraProgressOverlayTitle = "Please wait...",
this.cameraCancelAlertTitle = "Cancel?",
this.cameraCancelAlertSubtitle =
"Canceling will delete all the pages scanned so far. Are you sure you want to cancel?",
this.cameraCancelNoButtonTitle = "No",
this.cameraCancelYesButtonTitle = "Yes, Cancel",
this.cameraLimitReachedAlertTitle = "You reached the limit!",
this.cameraLimitReachedAlertSubtitle =
"You have scanned the maximum number of pages and cannot add any more. Please delete at least one page to perform a new scan.",
this.cameraLimitReachedOkButtonTitle = "Ok",
this.acknowledgementScreenBadDocumentHint =
"The quality of your scan does not seem sufficient.",
this.acknowledgementRetakeButtonTitle = "Retake",
this.acknowledgementAcceptButtonTitle = "Use Scan",
this.reviewScreenTitle = "Review (%d)",
this.reviewTopBarBackButtonTitle = "Back",
this.reviewScreenPageCount = "Page %d/%d",
this.reviewScreenAddButtonTitle = "Add",
this.reviewScreenRetakeButtonTitle = "Retake",
this.reviewScreenCropButtonTitle = "Crop",
this.reviewScreenRotateButtonTitle = "Rotate",
this.reviewScreenDeleteButtonTitle = "Delete",
this.reviewScreenSubmitButtonTitle = "Submit",
this.reviewScreenDeleteAllButtonTitle = "Delete all",
this.reviewScreenReorderPagesButtonTitle = "Reorder pages",
this.zoomOverlayCancelButtonText = "Close",
this.reviewDeletePageAlertTitle = "Delete page?",
this.reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertTitle = "Delete all?",
this.reviewDeletePageAlertSubTitle =
"Are you sure you want to delete the page?",
this.reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertSubtitle =
"Are you sure you want to delete all pages?",
this.reviewDeletePageAlertConfirmButtonTitle = "Yes, Delete",
this.reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertDeleteButtonTitle = "Yes, Delete all",
this.reviewDeletePageAlertDeleteRetakeButtonTitle = "Delete and Retake",
this.reviewDeletePageAlertCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
this.reviewDeleteAllPagesAlertCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
this.reorderPageTitle = "Reorder Pages",
this.reorderPageGuidanceTitle = "Drag pages to reorder",
this.reorderPageText = "%d",
this.reorderTopBarConfirmButtonTitle = "Done",
this.reorderTopBarCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
this.croppingTopBarConfirmButtonTitle = "Done",
this.croppingTopBarCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel",
this.croppingDetectButtonTitle = "Detect",
this.croppingRotateButtonTitle = "Rotate",
this.croppingResetButtonTitle = "Reset",
this.croppingScreenTitle = "Crop",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraPermissionEnableCameraButton =
"Tap to grant camera permission",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraPermissionCloseButton =
"Close screen without granting permission",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraTopBarIntroButton =
"Tap to open introduction screen",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraTopBarCancelButton =
"Tap to close scanner screen",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraImportButton = "Tap to import image",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraTorchOnButton = "Tap to disable torch",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraTorchOffButton = "Tap to enable torch",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraShutterButton = "Tap to take image",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraAutoSnapButton =
"Tap to enable manual snapping mode",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraManualSnapButton =
"Tap to enable auto snapping mode",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraPreviewButton =
"Tap to preview scanned pages",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraIntroDoneButton =
"Tap to close introduction screen",
this.accessibilityDescriptionAcknowledgementRetakeButton =
"Tap to retake the image",
this.accessibilityDescriptionAcknowledgementAcceptButton =
"Tap to accept the image regardless of its quality",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCroppingTopBarConfirmButton =
"Tap to apply changes",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCroppingTopBarCancelButton =
"Tap to close screen without applying changes",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCroppingDetectButton =
"Tap to detect document on the image",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCroppingRotateButton =
"Tap to rotate document",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCroppingResetButton =
"Tap to reset document contour to whole image",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReorderTopBarConfirmButton =
"Tap to apply changes",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReorderTopBarCancelButton =
"Tap to close screen without applying changes",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewNextPageButton =
"Tap to switch to the new page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewPreviousPageButton =
"Tap to switch to the previous page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewAddButton = "Tap to Add new page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewRetakeButton =
"Tap to Retake current selected page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewCropButton = "Tap to Crop selected page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewRotateButton =
"Tap to Rotate selected page clockwise",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteButton =
"Tap to Delete selected page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewSubmitButton = "Tap to Submit document",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewMoreButton =
"Tap to show additional options",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteAllButton =
"Tap to Delete all pages",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewReorderPagesButton =
"Tap to Reorder pages",
this.accessibilityDescriptionZoomOverlayCancelButton =
"Tap to Close zoom overlay",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewZoomButton =
"Tap to open zoom overlay for selected page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewTopBarBackButton =
"Tap to Close review screen",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeletePageAlertConfirmButton =
"Tap to Delete page",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteAllPagesAlertDeleteButton =
"Tap to Delete all pages",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeletePageAlertDeleteRetakeButton =
"Tap to Delete page and Retake it",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeletePageAlertCancelButton =
"Tap to Cancel operation",
this.accessibilityDescriptionReviewDeleteAllPagesAlertCancelButton =
"Tap to Cancel operation",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraLimitReachedOkButton =
"Tap to close alert dialog",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraCancelYesButton =
"Tap to cancel document",
this.accessibilityDescriptionCameraCancelNoButton =
"Tap to close alert dialog",