scanbot_sdk library
- A
- The A document.
- A1
- The A1 document.
- A1FieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the A1 document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- A2
- The A2 document.
- A2FieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the A2 document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- AAMVADocument
- AAMVADocumentSubfile
- AAMVA document subfile
- AAMVADocumentSubfileField
- AAMVA document subfile field
- AFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the A document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- AndroidShutterButton
- ArcPainter
- AspectRatio
- Finder aspect ratio
- B
- The B document.
- B1
- The B1 document.
- B1FieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the B1 document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- BarcodeAdditionalParameters
- A class that contains additional parameters for barcodes detection and filtering.
- BarcodeCameraConfiguration
- BarcodeCameraLiveDetector
- BarcodeClassicScannerConfiguration
- BarcodeFormattedData
- BarcodeFormattedResult
- BarcodeItem
- BarcodeScannerCamera
- BarcodeScannerConfiguration
- BarcodeScannerJsonConfiguration
- BarcodeScanningResult
- BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration
- BatchBarcodeScannerJsonConfiguration
- BE
- The BE document.
- BEFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the BE document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- BFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the B document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- BoardingPassDocument
- BoardingPassLeg
- BoardingPassLegField
- C
- The C document.
- C1
- The C1 document.
- C1E
- The C1E document.
- C1EFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the C1E document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- C1FieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the C1 document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- CameraConfiguration
- Categories
- Categories table row container
- CategoriesFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the Categories document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- Category
- A category row from the categories table
- CategoryFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the Category document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- CE
- The CE document.
- CEFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the CE document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- CFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the C document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- ConfirmationDialogConfiguration
- Confirmation Dialog configuration
- ContourConfiguration
- CroppingController
- CroppingPolygon
- The Scanbot SDK provides a ready-to-use UI for document scanning and cropping. Both components use the notion of a 'page' as a data model for the scanning and cropping activities.
- CroppingResult
- Result class that return cropped page from crop rtu-ui component
- CroppingScreenConfiguration
- Cropping rtu-ui component configuration class
- D
- The D document.
- D1
- The D1 document.
- D1E
- The D1E document.
- D1EFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the D1E document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- D1FieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the D1 document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DateRecord
- Structure to contain date record information
- DE
- The DE document.
- DeDriverLicenseBack
- German driver license (Führerschein), back side
- DeDriverLicenseBackFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the DeDriverLicenseBack document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DeDriverLicenseFront
- German driver license (Führerschein), front side
- DeDriverLicenseFrontFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the DeDriverLicenseFront document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DEFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the DE document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DeIdCardBack
- German ID card, back side
- DeIdCardBackFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the DeIdCardBack document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DeIdCardFront
- German ID card, front side
- DeIdCardFrontFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the DeIdCardFront document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DEMedicalPlanDoctorField
- German medical plan doctor field
- DEMedicalPlanDoctorInformation
- German medical plan doctor information
- DEMedicalPlanDocument
- German medical plan barcode parsed document
- DEMedicalPlanMedicine
- German medical plan medicine
- DEMedicalPlanMedicineField
- German medical plan medicine field
- DEMedicalPlanMedicineSubstance
- German medical plan medicine substance
- DEMedicalPlanMedicineSubstanceField
- German medical plan medicine substance field
- DEMedicalPlanPatientField
- German medical plan patient information field
- DEMedicalPlanPatientInformation
- DEMedicalPlanStandardSubheading
- German medical plan standard subheading
- DEMedicalPlanStandardSubheadingField
- German medical plan standard subheading field
- DEMedicalPlanSubheadingPrescription
- German medical plan subheading prescriptions
- DEMedicalPlanSubheadingPrescriptionField
- German medical plan subheading prescriptions field
- DePassport
- German travel passport (Reisepass)
- DePassportFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the DePassport document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DetectBarcodeFromImageParams
- DFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the D document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- DialogButtonStyle
- Configuration for the dialogs/alerts OK button style.
- DialogStyle
- Configuration for the dialog/alert style
- DocumentCameraConfiguration
- DocumentCameraLiveDetector
- DocumentClassicScannerConfiguration
- DocumentContourScanningResult
- DocumentQualityResult
- A class that contains result for document quality analyze
- DocumentScannerAccessibilityConfiguration
- Document scanner accessibility configuration
- DocumentScannerCamera
- DocumentScannerConfiguration
- Document scanner configuration class. All UI configuration options are optional.
- DocumentScannerJsonConfiguration
- DocumentScanningResult
- Scanned document return class from document scanner rtu-ui component
- DocumentsDisplayConfiguration
- Field display configuration object
- EncryptionParameters
- FadeOutView
- Field
- Document field
- FieldsDisplayConfiguration
- Field display configuration object
- FieldType
- Field type
- FieldWrapper
- FinderConfiguration
The finder view is a rectangular overlay view that clips the camera view, so that the detection will focus just a specific area.
You can specify the size and positioning, as well as other UI properties.
Set this property to
if you want to use the Finder View,false
otherwise (default: false) - FinderView
- FlutterLicense
- Font
- The font name and size. iOS only.
- GenericDocument
- A generic document. Contains fields and sub-documents.
- GenericDocumentNormalizedType
- Field type
- GenericDocumentRecognizerConfiguration
- Generic Document Recognizer class. All UI configuration options are optional.
- GenericDocumentRecognizerJsonConfiguration
- GenericDocumentResults
- GenericDocumentWrappedResults
- GenericDocumentWrapper
- HealthInsuranceCardField
- Class that describes health insurance one scanned field
- HealthInsuranceCardRecognitionResult
- This class describes health insurance rtu-ui component scanned result
- HealthInsuranceCardScannerJsonConfiguration
- HealthInsuranceScannerConfiguration
- Health insurance rtu-ui scanner configuration class
- IDCardPDF417Document
- ID card PDF417 parsed barcode document
- IDCardPDF417DocumentField
- ID card PDF417 document field
- Insets
- IosShutterButton
- L
- The L document.
- LFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the L document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- LicensePlateScannerConfiguration
- License plate rtu-ui scanner configuration class
- LicensePlateScannerJsonConfiguration
- LicensePlateScanResult
- Result of license plate scanning
- M
- The M document.
- MedicalCertificateCameraConfiguration
- MedicalCertificateCameraLiveDetector
- MedicalCertificateCheckBox
- Structure to contain full information about found box
- MedicalCertificateClassicScannerConfiguration
- MedicalCertificateDocument
- Disability certificate parsed barcode document
- MedicalCertificateDocumentField
- Disability certificate document field
- MedicalCertificatePatientInfoBox
- Structure to contain full information about found box
- MedicalCertificatePatientInfoField
- Represents an item of the patient info
- MedicalCertificateResult
- MedicalCertificateScannerCamera
- MFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the M document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- MRZ part of the document
- MRZFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the MRZ document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- MrzGenericScanningResult
- MrzScannerConfiguration
- This class describes machine readable zone rtu-ui component configuration
- MrzScanningResult
- This class describes machine readable zone rtu-ui component scanned result
- MultiImageBarcodeScanningResult
- Class created for handling the multiple images barcodes detection
- OcrOptions
- OCR options
- OcrPage
- Represents OCR result of a scanned Page document image.
- OcrResult
- Result of OCR text recognition.
- OcrResultBlock
- An OCR result block represents a recognized paragraph, a line or a word. It contains the recognized plain text, the bounding box and a confidence value.
- Page
- The Scanbot SDK provides a ready-to-use UI for document scanning and cropping. Both components use the notion of a 'page' as a data model for the scanning and cropping activities.
- PageAspectRatio
- PagesOcrResult
- OCR action result
- PdfAttributes
- The PDF file attributes.
- PdfRenderingOptions
- PolygonPoint
- PredefinedBarcodes
- PredefinedCompressionTypes
- Rect
- Result
- Parent result class for ready-to-use UI components return data
- ScanbotCamera
- ScanbotCameraController
- ScanbotCroppingWidget
- ScanbotEncryptionHandler
- ScanbotSdk
- ScanbotSdkConfig
- Scanbot SDK initialization config parameters.
- ScanbotSdkUi
- SdkLicenseException
- SdkLicenseStatus
- Scanbot SDK license status.
- SdkOcrConfig
- SDK OCR configs
- SelectionOverlayConfiguration
- Barcode Selection Overlay configuration
- SelectionOverlayScannerConfiguration
- Barcode Selection Overlay configuration
- SEPADocument
- SEPA barcode parsed document
- SEPADocumentField
- SEPA document field
- ShutterAnimation
- ShutterButton
- Size
- Standard size object
- T
- The T document.
- TextFieldWrapper
- Text field wrapper
- TFieldsSignatures
- Class that contains all fields signatures of the T document. Use it to Configure the document fields when running the scanner screen.
- TiffCreationOptions
- TIFF creation options
- UnknownBarcodeFormat
- ValidatedTextFieldWrapper
- Text field wrapper
- VCardDocument
- VCard parsed barcode document
- VCardDocumentField
- VCARD document field
- ZoomRange
- Defines a range for zooming
- AAMVARecordFieldType
- AAMVA subfile field type
- BarcodeDialogFormat
- The barcode text format dialog.
- BarcodeDocumentFormat
- Barcode document format
- BarcodeFormat
- Barcode document format
- BarcodeImageGenerationType
- Defines the possible barcode image sources.
- BarcodeOverlayTextFormat
- Barcode scanner engine mode
- BarcodesExtensionFilter
- A filter for extended EAN and UPC barcodes.
- BlurEffect
- The blur effect style. iOS only.
- BoardingPassDocumentFieldType
- Boarding pass document field type
- CameraModule
- Camera module to use
- CameraPreviewMode
- Represents camera preview modes
- CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization
- The prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed. Has no effect on devices prior to iOS 13.0. iOS only.
- CodeDensity
- The expected density of QR codes in an image.
- CommonFieldType
- Common field types
- DateRecordType
- Type of a date record
- DEMedicalPlanDoctorFieldType
- German medical plan document doctor information description field type
- DEMedicalPlanMedicineFieldType
- German medical plan document medicine information description field type
- DEMedicalPlanMedicineSubstanceFieldType
- German medical plan document medicine substance information description field type
- DEMedicalPlanPatientFieldType
- German medical plan document patient information description field type
- DEMedicalPlanStandardSubheadingFieldType
- German medical plan document subheading information description field type
- DEMedicalPlanSubheadingPrescriptionFieldType
- German medical plan document subheading prescriptions information description field type
- DetectionStatus
- Document detection status
- DetectorType
- DocumentDetectorMode
- Mode for document detection.
- DocumentQuality
- The document quality status that comes from DocumentQualityAnalyzer
- DocumentType
- EngineMode
- Barcode scanner engine mode
- FieldDisplayState
- Field display state in the RTU UI
- FileEncryptionMode
- GenericDocumentType
- Supported document types
- Gs1HandlingMode
- GS1 handling mode
- HealthInsuranceCardDetectionStatus
- HealthInsuranceCardFieldType
- IDCardPDF417DocumentFieldType
- ID card field types
- ImageFilterType
- The image filter types.
- ImageFormat
- LicensePlateScanStrategy
- Detector mode, classic (OCR based) or ML (machine learning based) approach.
- McFormType
- Form type of the Medical certificate
- MedicalCertificateCheckBoxType
- Box detailed subtype
- MedicalCertificateDocumentFieldType
- DC document field types
- MedicalCertificatePatientInfoFieldType
- Type of the item of the patient info field
- MrzDocumentType
- MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm
- MSI plessey checksum algorithm
- OcrEngine
- The page orientation of the pdf document.
- OperationResult
- Standard result status
- OrientationLockMode
- Applied interface orientation
- PageDirection
- The page orientation of the pdf document.
- PageSize
- The page size of the pdf document.
- SdkFeature
- SEPADocumentFieldType
- SEPA document field types
- Status
- TiffCompression
- ValidationStatus
- Barcode document format
- VCardDocumentFieldType
- VCard document field type
- DocumentTypeExtention on String
- GenericDocumentExtension on GenericDocument
- Extension function to GenericDocument to make it easier to access fields.
- KotlinFunctionsForObject on T
→ const List<
BarcodeDocumentFormat> -
→ const Map<
DocumentDetectorMode, String> -
→ const Map<
ImageFormat, String>
String? color) → Color? -
String? string) → DateTime? -
Map< String, dynamic> json) → BarcodeFormattedResult -
Uri? uri) → String? -
ImageFilterType filter) → String -
) → Stream< LicenseEntry> -
String? string) → Uri? -
Color? color) → String? -
Color? color) → String? -
Color? color) → String? -
String string) → Uint8List -
GenericDocument document) → GenericDocumentWrapper
= Future<
BarcodeFormattedData> Function(BarcodeItem barcodeItem) - Handler = Future Function(MethodCall call)
- OnFinderRectChange = dynamic Function(double left, double top, double right, double bottom)