specificity property

int specificity

This selector's specificity.

Specificity is represented in base 1000. The spec says this should be "sufficiently high"; it's extremely unlikely that any single selector sequence will contain 1000 simple selectors.


late final int specificity = () {
  if (isElement) return 1;
  var selector = this.selector;
  if (selector == null) return super.specificity;

  // https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#specificity-rules
  switch (normalizedName) {
    case 'where':
      return 0;
    case 'is':
    case 'not':
    case 'has':
    case 'matches':
      return selector.components
          .map((component) => component.specificity)
    case 'nth-child':
    case 'nth-last-child':
      return super.specificity +
          selector.components.map((component) => component.specificity).max;
      return super.specificity;