importCanonical method
Tries to load the canonicalized canonicalUrl
using importer
If importer
can import canonicalUrl
, returns the imported Stylesheet.
Otherwise returns null
If passed, the originalUrl
represents the URL that was canonicalized
into canonicalUrl
. It's used to resolve a relative canonical URL, which
importers may return for legacy reasons.
Caches the result of the import and uses cached results if possible.
Stylesheet? importCanonical(Importer importer, Uri canonicalUrl,
{Uri? originalUrl}) {
return _importCache.putIfAbsent(canonicalUrl, () {
var result = importer.load(canonicalUrl);
if (result == null) return null;
_resultsCache[canonicalUrl] = result;
return Stylesheet.parse(result.contents, result.syntax,
// For backwards-compatibility, relative canonical URLs are resolved
// relative to [originalUrl].
url: originalUrl == null
? canonicalUrl
: originalUrl.resolveUri(canonicalUrl));