Value topic

Classes that represent Sass values. These are passed to and returned by user-defined Callables that are passed to functions like compileToResult().


CalculationInterpolation Value
A deprecated representation of a string injected into a SassCalculation using interpolation.
CalculationOperation Value
A binary operation that can appear in a SassCalculation.
ColorSpace Value
A color space whose channel names and semantics Sass knows.
GamutMapMethod Value
Different algorithms that can be used to map an out-of-gamut Sass color into the gamut for its color space.
InterpolationMethod Value
The method by which two colors are interpolated to find a color in the middle.
SassArgumentList Value
A SassScript argument list.
SassBoolean Value
A SassScript boolean value.
SassCalculation Value
A SassScript calculation.
SassColor Value
A SassScript color.
SassFunction Value
A SassScript function reference.
SassList Value
A SassScript list.
SassMap Value
A SassScript map.
SassMixin Value
A SassScript mixin reference.
SassNumber Value
A SassScript number.
SassString Value
A SassScript string.
Value Value
A SassScript value.


SassApiValue on Value Value
Extension methods that are only visible through the sass_api package.


sassFalse → const SassBoolean Value
The SassScript false value.
sassNull → const Value Value
The SassScript null value.
sassTrue → const SassBoolean Value
The SassScript true value.


CalculationOperator Value
An enumeration of possible operators for CalculationOperation.
HueInterpolationMethod Value
The method by which two hues are adjusted when interpolating between colors.
ListSeparator Value
An enum of list separator types.