Importer topic

Classes for defining custom logic for resolving @use, @forward, and @import rules in Sass. See Importer for details on the importer API contract.


AsyncImporter Importer
An interface for importers that resolves URLs in @imports to the contents of Sass files.
AsyncImporter Importer
An interface for importers that resolves URLs in @imports to the contents of Sass files.
AsyncImporter Importer
An interface for importers that resolves URLs in @imports to the contents of Sass files.
FilesystemImporter Importer
An importer that loads files from a load path on the filesystem, either relative to the path passed to or absolute file: URLs.
FilesystemImporter Importer
An importer that loads files from a load path on the filesystem, either relative to the path passed to or absolute file: URLs.
FilesystemImporter Importer
An importer that loads files from a load path on the filesystem, either relative to the path passed to or absolute file: URLs.
Importer Importer
An interface for importers that resolves URLs in @imports to the contents of Sass files.
Importer Importer
An interface for importers that resolves URLs in @imports to the contents of Sass files.
ImporterResult Importer
The result of importing a Sass stylesheet, as returned by Importer.load.
ImporterResult Importer
The result of importing a Sass stylesheet, as returned by Importer.load.
ImporterResult Importer
The result of importing a Sass stylesheet, as returned by Importer.load.
PackageImporter Importer
An importer that loads stylesheets from package: imports.
PackageImporter Importer
An importer that loads stylesheets from package: imports.
PackageImporter Importer
An importer that loads stylesheets from package: imports.