rxdata library


Bloc<Event, State>
Takes a Stream of Events as input and transforms them into a Stream of States as output.
An interface for the core functionality implemented by both Bloc and Cubit.
An interface for observing the behavior of Bloc instances.
This class facilitates overriding BlocObserver and EventTransformer. It should be extended by another class in client code with overrides that construct a custom implementation. The implementation in this class defaults to the base blocObserver and eventTransformer implementation. For example:
A Change represents the change from one State to another. A Change consists of the currentState and nextState.
Wrapper around your data of type V.
Wrapper around BlocBuilder for shorter generics definition.
Wrapper around BlocConsumer for shorter generics definition.
Delegates fetching and caching behavior of specified Data object.
Wrapper around BlocListener for shorter generics definition.
Transition<Event, State>
A Transition is the change from one state to another. Consists of the currentState, an event, and the nextState.


DataBuilderCondition<S> = bool Function(Data<S> previous, Data<S> current)
Signature for the buildWhen function which takes the previous state and the current state and is responsible for returning a bool which determines whether to rebuild DataBuilder with the current state.
DataListenerCondition<S> = bool Function(Data<S> previous, Data<S> current)
Signature for the listenWhen function which takes the previous state and the current state and is responsible for returning a bool which determines whether or not to call DataWidgetListener of DataListener with the current state.
DataWidgetBuilder<S> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Data<S> data)
Signature for the builder function which takes the BuildContext and data and is responsible for returning a widget which is to be rendered.
DataWidgetListener<S> = void Function(BuildContext context, Data<S> data)
Signature for the listener function which takes the BuildContext along with the state and is responsible for executing in response to state changes.