rx_widgets library


ReactiveWidget2<T1, T2>
ReactiveWidget3<T1, T2, T3>
ReactiveWidget4<T1, T2, T3, T4>
ReactiveWidget5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>
ReactiveWidget6<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>
ReactiveWidget7<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>
RxCommandBuilder<T, R>
Spinner/Busy indicator that reacts on the output of a Stream<CommandResult<dynamic, R>>. It's made especially to work together with RxCommand from the rx_commandpackage. it starts running as soon as an item with isExecuting==true is received until isExecuting==true is received. To react on other possible states (data, no data, error) that can be emitted it offers three option Builder methods.
A reimplementation of a ElevatedButton where the onPressed is replaced with rxCommand so the button gets disabled if the rxCommand has the canExecute set to false or when it is executing
Spinner/Busy indicator that reacts on the output of a Stream<CommandResult<dynamic, R>>. It's made especially to work together with RxCommand from the rx_commandpackage. It starts running as soon as an item with isExecuting==true is received until isExecuting==true is received. To react on other possible states (data, no data, error) that can be emitted it offers three option Builder methods
Spinner/Busy Indicator that reacts on the output of a Stream<bool> it starts running as soon as a true value is received until the next falseis emitted. If the Spinner should replace another Widget while Spinning this widget can be passed as normal parameter. RxSpinner also adapts to the current or specified platform look. Needless to say that RxSpinner is ideal in combination with RxCommand's isExecuting Observable
A reimplementation of Text so it takes a Stream<String> instead of String as data and reacts on it.
WidgetBuilderSelectoris a convenience class that will one of two builder methods based on the output of a Stream<bool> This is pretty handy if you want to react to state change like enable/disable in you ViewModel and update the View accordingly. In comparison to WidgetSelector this is best used if the alternative child widgets are large so that you don't want to have them created without using them.
WidgetSelectoris a convenience class that will return one of two Widgets based on the output of a Stream<bool> This is pretty handy if you want to react to state change like enable/disable in you ViewModel and update the View accordingly. If you don't need builders for the alternative child widgets this class offers a more concise expression than WidgetBuilderSelector


RxCommandHandlerMixin<T, R>
Adds ability to listen om RxCommand events inside Stateless Widgets.
RxCommandStatefulHandlerMixin<T, R>
Adds ability to listen om RxCommand events inside Stateful Widgets.