RxSpinner constructor

const RxSpinner({
  1. required Stream<bool> busyEvents,
  2. TargetPlatform? platform,
  3. double radius = 20.0,
  4. Color? backgroundColor,
  5. double? value,
  6. Animation<Color>? valueColor,
  7. double strokeWidth = 4.0,
  8. Widget? normal,
  9. Key? key,

Creates a new RxSpinner instance busyEvents : Stream<bool> that controls the activity of the Spinner. On receiving true it replaces the normal widget and starts running until it receives a falsevalue. platform : defines platform style of the Spinner. If this is null or not provided the style of the current platform will be used radius : radius of the Spinner normal : Widget that should be displayed while the Spinner is not active. If this is null a Container will be created instead. all other parameters please see https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/CircularProgressIndicator-class.html they are ignored if the platform style is iOS.


const RxSpinner(
    {required this.busyEvents,
    this.radius = 20.0,
    this.strokeWidth = 4.0,
    Key? key})
    : super(key: key);