rxBlocTest<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, StateOutputType> function

  1. @isTest
void rxBlocTest<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, StateOutputType>(
  1. String message, {
  2. required Future<B> build(),
  3. required Stream<StateOutputType> state(
    1. B
  4. required Iterable expect,
  5. Future<void> act(
    1. B
  6. Duration? wait,
  7. int skip = 0,

Creates a new test for a specific bloc state. rxBlocTest will create the specific test and initialize it's state as well perform all the necessary operations based on provided parameters before expecting the desired values. rxBlocTest will ensure that no additional states are emitted by closing the states stream just before the evaluation.

build returns the bloc that will be used for testing as a Future. It should be used for bloc initialization such as creation and dependency injection.

state is the desired state of the bloc that is being tested. It is a Stream of a specific testing type.

act is an optional callback that passes the bloc on which additional actions can be applied. It should be used for adding events to the bloc.

expect is an Iterable of matchers which the bloc is expected to emit after the act is executed.

wait is an optional Duration which is used to wait for async operations within the bloc that take time to complete.

skip is an optional int that is used to skip a specific number of values emitted by the state. The default value is 1 which skips the initial value If the skip value is set to 0, it will include the initial value.


void rxBlocTest<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, StateOutputType>(
  String message, {
  required Future<B> Function() build,
  required Stream<StateOutputType> Function(B) state,
  required Iterable expect,
  Future<void> Function(B)? act,
  Duration? wait,
  int skip = 0,
}) =>
    tester.test(message, () async {
      final bloc = await build();
      final checkingState = state(bloc).skip(skip).asBroadcastStream();

      if (wait != null) await Future<void>.delayed(wait);


      await act?.call(bloc);