RuntimeType<T> class

A non-opaque representation of a Type that can be used at runtime.

Normally, Type objects are opaque and cannot be used for actual logic. RuntimeType allows for operations such as sub- or super-type checking, type checks, and casting using a variable instead of a literal.

To use, replace your type literals with calls to the RuntimeType constructor:

// Before
final stringType = String;

// After
final stringType = RuntimeType<String>();

Though it adds support for some operations, RuntimeType is not a replacement for type literals. For example, it cannot be used as a type argument as they are required to be type literals. Additionally, RuntimeType can be used at runtime to perform operations on types but it cannot extract type information at runtime:

final something = 'foo' as dynamic;

RuntimeType<T> extractType<T>(T instance) => RuntimeType<T>();

final typeOfSomething = extractType(something); // Still dynamic
Available Extensions


Create a new RuntimeType representing T.
Create a new RuntimeType representing T, allowing dynamic as a valid value for T.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
internalType Type
The Type that this RuntimeType represents.
no setter
isNullable bool
Whether this type is nullable.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


acceptsInstance(dynamic instance) bool
Whether instance can be assigned to this type.
castInstance(dynamic instance) → T
Cast instance to this type, throwing if the cast fails.
isEquivalentTo<U>(RuntimeType<U> other) bool
Whether this type is equivalent to other.
isSubtypeOf<U>(RuntimeType<U> other) bool
Whether this is a subtype of other.
isSupertypeOf<U>(RuntimeType<U> other) bool
Whether this is a supertype of other.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
nullable() RuntimeType<T?>
Return a nullable version of this RuntimeType.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withInstance<U, R>(U value, void process(T value), {void otherwise(U value)?}) → void
Run process with value if value is assignable to this type.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.