CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes class


CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes({required String name, int? duration, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesSchemeEnum? scheme, bool strict = false, bool floating = false, bool requireProductScope = false, bool requirePolicyScope = false, bool requireMachineScope = false, bool requireFingerprintScope = false, bool requireUserScope = false, bool requireChecksumScope = false, bool requireVersionScope = false, bool? requireCheckIn, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesCheckInIntervalEnum? checkInInterval, int? checkInIntervalCount, bool usePool = false, int? maxMachines, int? maxProcesses, int? maxCores, int? maxUses, bool? protected, bool requireHeartbeat = false, int? heartbeatDuration, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatCullStrategyEnum heartbeatCullStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatCullStrategyEnum._('DEACTIVATE_DEAD'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatResurrectionStrategyEnum heartbeatResurrectionStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatResurrectionStrategyEnum._('NO_REVIVE'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatBasisEnum? heartbeatBasis, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineUniquenessStrategyEnum machineUniquenessStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineUniquenessStrategyEnum._('UNIQUE_PER_LICENSE'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineMatchingStrategyEnum machineMatchingStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineMatchingStrategyEnum._('MATCH_ANY'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesExpirationStrategyEnum expirationStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesExpirationStrategyEnum._('RESTRICT_ACCESS'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesExpirationBasisEnum expirationBasis = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesExpirationBasisEnum._('FROM_CREATION'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesTransferStrategyEnum transferStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesTransferStrategyEnum._('KEEP_EXPIRY'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesAuthenticationStrategyEnum authenticationStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesAuthenticationStrategyEnum._('TOKEN'), CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineLeasingStrategyEnum? machineLeasingStrategy, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesProcessLeasingStrategyEnum? processLeasingStrategy, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesOverageStrategyEnum overageStrategy = const CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesOverageStrategyEnum._('NO_OVERAGE'), Object? metadata})
Returns a new CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes instance.


authenticationStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesAuthenticationStrategyEnum
The strategy used for authenticating as a license, for client-side integrations.
getter/setter pair
checkInInterval CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesCheckInIntervalEnum?
The frequency at which a license should check-in.
getter/setter pair
checkInIntervalCount int?
The number of intervals (specified in the check-in interval property) between each required check-in.
getter/setter pair
duration int?
The duration for the policy in seconds.
getter/setter pair
expirationBasis CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesExpirationBasisEnum
Control when a license's initial expiry is set.
getter/setter pair
expirationStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesExpirationStrategyEnum
The strategy for expired licenses during a license validation and when accessing releases.
getter/setter pair
floating bool
When enabled, a license that implements the policy will be valid across multiple machines.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
heartbeatBasis CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatBasisEnum?
Control when a machine's initial heartbeat is started.
getter/setter pair
heartbeatCullStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatCullStrategyEnum
The strategy used for culling dead machines and processes.
getter/setter pair
heartbeatDuration int?
The heartbeat duration for the policy, in seconds.
getter/setter pair
heartbeatResurrectionStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesHeartbeatResurrectionStrategyEnum
The strategy used for controlling whether or not dead machines and processes can be resurrected shortly after death.
getter/setter pair
machineLeasingStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineLeasingStrategyEnum?
The strategy used for leasing machines. ### Options - PER_LICENSE: Machine processes are counted per-license, i.e. collectively across all of a license's machines. - PER_USER: Machines are counted per-user, per-license. For example, with a max machines value of 2, each user could have 2 machines per-license.
getter/setter pair
machineMatchingStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineMatchingStrategyEnum
The matching strategy for machine fingerprints supplied during a license validation.
getter/setter pair
machineUniquenessStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesMachineUniquenessStrategyEnum
The uniqueness validation strategy for machine fingerprints.
getter/setter pair
maxCores int?
The maximum number of machine CPU cores a license implementing the policy can have associated with it.
getter/setter pair
maxMachines int?
The maximum number of machines a license implementing the policy can have associated with it.
getter/setter pair
maxProcesses int?
The maximum number of machine processes a license implementing the policy can have associated with it, also depending on the policy's leasing strategy.
getter/setter pair
maxUses int?
The maximum number of uses a license implementing the policy can have.
getter/setter pair
metadata Object?
Object containing policy metadata.
getter/setter pair
name String
The name of the policy.
getter/setter pair
overageStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesOverageStrategyEnum
The strategy used for allowing machine, core and process overages.
getter/setter pair
processLeasingStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesProcessLeasingStrategyEnum?
The strategy used for leasing machine processes. ### Options - PER_MACHINE: Processes are counted per-machine. For example, given a policy with a max processes value of 5, each license could have up to 5 processes for each machine. This is the default. - PER_LICENSE: Processes are counted per-license. For example, with a max processes value of 5, each license could have up to 5 processes combined across all machines. - PER_USER: Processes are counted per-user, per-license. For example, with a max processes value of 5, each user could have up to 5 processes combined across all owned machines per-license.
getter/setter pair
protected bool?
Whether or not the policy is protected.
getter/setter pair
requireCheckIn bool?
When enabled, a license that implements the policy will require check-in at a predefined interval to continue to pass validation i.e. if a license misses a check-in, it will be invalidated.
getter/setter pair
requireChecksumScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a checksum scope to be provided, matching an accessible artifact for the license.
getter/setter pair
requireFingerprintScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a fingerprint scope that matches at least 1 of the license's machine relationships by its fingerprint.
getter/setter pair
requireHeartbeat bool
Whether or not the policy requires its machines to maintain a heartbeat.
getter/setter pair
requireMachineScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a machine scope that matches at least 1 of the license's machine relationships by its identifier (UUID).
getter/setter pair
requirePolicyScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a policy scope that matches the license's policy relationship by its identifier (UUID).
getter/setter pair
requireProductScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a product scope that matches the license's product relationship by its identifier (UUID).
getter/setter pair
requireUserScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a user scope that matches the license's user relationship.
getter/setter pair
requireVersionScope bool
When enabled, validating a license that implements the policy will require a version scope to be provided, matching an accessible release for the license.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scheme CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesSchemeEnum?
getter/setter pair
strict bool
When enabled, a license that implements the policy will be considered invalid if its machine limit, machine core limit, or processes limit is surpassed.
getter/setter pair
transferStrategy CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributesTransferStrategyEnum
Control whether a license's expiration is reset when transferred to this policy.
getter/setter pair
usePool bool
Whether or not to pull license keys from a finite pool of pre-determined keys.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromJson(dynamic value) CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes?
Returns a new CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes instance and imports its values from value if it's a Map, null otherwise.
listFromJson(dynamic json, {bool growable = false}) List<CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes>
mapFromJson(dynamic json) Map<String, CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes>
mapListFromJson(dynamic json, {bool growable = false}) Map<String, List<CreatePolicyRequestDataAttributes>>


requiredKeys → const Set<String>
The list of required keys that must be present in a JSON.